The Paddler Magazine Issue 70 Early Spring 2023 | Page 56

1 . Scotland underwater is magnificent
2 . The seabed is under threat

1 . Scotland underwater is magnificent

We all know that Scotland is stunning , with its soaring mountains , endless lochs , incredible islands and breathtaking wildlife . But what ’ s above the surface is just a part of Scotland ’ s unreal sights . Whilst making our way around the coast , we stopped at a few spots to snorkel and scuba dive . It ’ s hard to describe what we saw underwater using words ( you ’ ll have to watch the films to see them in all their glory !), but every time I went underwater , I surfaced awe-inspired .
From verdant green seagrass meadows to purple maerl beds , brittle star colonies to ancient native Scottish oysters , giant kelp forests to fish nurseries , there was so much life to wonder at . One theme that runs through our documentaries is that the ocean and its inhabitants are often out of sight and out of mind . This is even more prominent in Scotland , whose peat-coloured waters are often dark , cold , and uninviting . But what ’ s down there is magnificent , and diving in was such a joy to experience and to be able to share with viewers .

2 . The seabed is under threat

Having seen all this incredible life - crazy-looking animals and beautiful , complex ecosystems - I was devastated to learn that certain types of fishing heavily damage many areas of the seabed around Scotland . The seabed is the cradle of life for oceanic ecosystems , and its destruction has far-reaching consequences .
Dredging and trawling tear up the seabed , releasing stored carbon , destroying nature and threatening biodiversity , and I heard from several scuba divers who had seen with their own eyes the stark difference between a healthy seabed and a freshly dredged one . Protecting fragile areas of seabed from the most destructive forms of bottom-towed fishing gear could have enormously beneficial implications for climate change , oceanic health , and fish stocks , as well as livelihoods around the coast of Scotland . There is currently a campaign to ban dredging and trawling from fragile areas around Scotland - you can learn more at www . ourseas . scot .