The Paddler Magazine Issue 69 Winter 2023 | Page 68


How Seated Inclusive

Paddleboarding ( SIP ) could change lives

Despite the devastation of being unable to walk following a cycling accident , 35 year ago , Will Behenna was determined not to let it affect his love of the outdoors .
“ I was always into outdoor stuff ,” said Dorset-based paddler Will Behenna . “ So I just kind of carried on .”
This conviction has served him well , leading him to the belief that ‘ why should Stand Up Paddleboarding ( SUP ) be just for non-disabled people ?’
As a wheelchair user the only way Will can access a SUP is from a seated position .
“ It ’ s about promoting paddle boarding [ but ] sitting down just as a general thing .
“ I think there ’ s lots of people who get paddle boards and just sit on them and paddle with one blade , and you see them on the rivers and they ’ re basically just wiggling around .
“[ I am also ] promoting it for people who aren ’ t able to stand up and need more support , whether that ’ s because of age or weight . Or just general ability .”
Will has been working on several prototypes for a seat , first from wood , which was too heavy , and then from different types of foam .
Will in his seat www . britishcanoeing . org . uk
It has been his mission to modify a paddleboard to enable him to get on the water safely and independently .
Will hopes that more disabled and non-disabled people ( who choose to paddleboard sitting down ) can do so comfortably and safely .
“ I call it SIP , Seated Inclusive Paddling ,” he said .
“ SIP and SUP . It ’ s just a bit of a play on words more than anything . Seated Paddleboarding makes it a bit more inclusive for lots of people .
Will ’ s wooden prototype seat
He is also convinced that two blades are better as it is too difficult with one blade , for someone with limited lower limb function .
Getting a SUP out of the car rather than a kayak , is also easier , Will added .
He has also been working on modifications beneath the board . He can ’ t have a fin attached as the SUP needs to be close to the shore or riverbank when he gets on it .