The Onymous November-December 2013, issue 7 | Page 3

-3 Issue 7 November-December 2013 Hello! So it’s nearly Christmas… decorations are going up, magazines are full of the ‘Christmas spirit’. But just a second: a lot of the things society regards as being Christmassy actually have nothing to do with it – except for the fact that people think of them as having to do with Christmas. Check out page 15 to read about the wise men. Any where does Santa fit in? Page 17 for you. Christmas isn’t about snow (especially in Cyprus…), spending time with family and friends, or giving and getting gifts. It’s about one particular gift: God’s gift. Contents Jokes 4 Creative Instincts 6 All about Santa 9 Sudokus 13 The Three Wise Men 15 Quotes 17 Recipes 18 Top Bible Verses 19 For me, Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. It probably wasn’t actually in December, but whenever it was, it should be time to celebrate Jesus’ life, not ours. Does that mean we shouldn’t give gifts, especially as that tradition has pagan roots? No, there’s nothing wrong with giving gifts. Jesus said when we treat someone badly or well, we’re treating him like that. He’s fine with giving. So let’s try to look for the best in people and enjoy ourselves as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday! Happy Birthday, Jesus! Merry Christmas, reader! God bless you. Enjoy the magazine, Jacob Lange, Editor Turn to page 18 to find out about our special subscription offer! The Onymous is published by Jacob Lange, 6 Anaxagorou Street, 6031 Larnaca, Cyprus