May-June 2013 - 9
yourself .
John 15:13 : Greater love has no one than this : to lay down one ’ s life for one ’ s friends .
John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me . The one who loves me will be loved by my Father , and I too will love them and show myself to them .
John 13:35 : By this everyone will know that you are my disciples , if you love one another .
John 12:26 : Whoever serves me must follow me ; and where I am , my servant also will be . My Father will honor the one who serves me .
We should never make the false assumption that people are “ fine ” without Jesus and that we ’ re just trying to give them something nice in addition to their already nice life . They ’ re not “ fine ” without Jesus .
Consider corrupt doctors who disfigure slum children to make them more effective beggars . And what about the slave trade worldwide , or the abortion industry in the USA where 1.2 million children are killed annually , 93 % of them because the child is unwanted or inconvenient ? Consider also the average , “ normal ”, people anywhere and everywhere ; your neighbors , coworkers , friends , and family .
Everyone needs Jesus !
Don ’ t forget : Operation Joshua 6 is coming up ! Operation Joshua aims to give a copy of the New Testament to every single home in Greece . This year , Christians will gather in Eastern Macedonia to distribute Bibles in the prefectures of Serres , Drama and Kavala . Volunteers will take the gospel to about 160,000 homes in the regions ’ villages . This is a great opportunity for you spread the gospel . Are you going to take up the challenge ?
Joshua @ hmnet . org . gr www . OperationJoshua . net www . HellenicMinistries . com