The Old Pocklingtonian Old Pocklingtonian 2017-18 | Page 34
for unrecognised cars pulling into the reception
car park, no doubt eager to welcome them with a
typical warm handshake. Of course, whenever this
actually happened they left with nothing but glowing
praise. Peter was excellent at his job.
The school bids farewell to the following staff:
Rosemary Anderton (05-18) – Psychology
Martin Butcher (79-18) – Biology
Evie Carless (14-18) – Prep
John Cullen (02-18) – Mathematics
David Dyson (88-18) – Chemistry
Chris Fairburn (16-17) – Computing
Anna Hallam (08-17) – English
Peter Horne (82-18) – Chemistry
Gary Kilsby (00-18) – Games and CCF
Jan Kilsby (00-18) – Games and CCF
Ed Long (10-18) – History
Frankie Marsh (16-18) – Games
Sue Pratt (02-18) – Chemistry
Christopher Thornton-Holmes (13-18) – Voice
Lynne Baxter (17-18)
Vicky Grainger (07-18)
Peter Hartley (11-18)
Claire Miles-Findlay (08-18)
Leila Scrowston (13-18)
Glenda Smith (04-17)
Jez Stretch (14-18)
Linda Underwood (98-18)
Jenny Wilson (05-18)
After 39 years, it is fair to say that Martin Butcher is
somewhat of a Pock legend.
Martin, aka ‘Butch’, has been a true ambassador for
the biology department and has inspired countless
pupils, many of whom now have their own children
at the school, into following their dreams to
university and careers around the world. Butch is
one in a million and to say it has been an honour and
a privilege to work with him is an understatement.
His biology lessons, to the last, were incredibly
engaging, entertaining and he made learning fun! The
rare thing about Butch is he made it all look easy,
when we all know it is quite the opposite. Butch
would take the time to really get to know his pupils
and would go the extra mile to support their needs.
He was able to light a spark and gave so many pupils
the confidence to believe in themselves when they
might otherwise have crumbled under the pressure.
Behind the scenes, Butch advised and supported
many pupils in their university applications, giving
much needed help, in particular to those applying
for medicine, veterinary science and physiotherapy
courses. He was always on hand to practise
interviews and would be sure to throw an off the
wall challenge into the mix just to make sure they
were ready for the big day.
Butch was Dolman Sixth Form Tutor, Non-resident
Tutor in Fenwick-Smith boarding house, rugby coach,
i/c golf and he ran the school ski trip for many years.
His rugby career includes an undefeated record as
1st XV Head Coach (one match, one win) and his
final year as 1st XV Team Manager.
He has earned his retirement and although he will
be sadly missed in the biology department and
around the school, his wicked sense of humour,
generous heart and dedication to Pocklington will
not be forgotten. I am sure all Pock staff, students
and OPs will join me in wishing Butch, Louise and
their family all of the very best for the future.
Hockey has always been a passion for Peter. He
played for York Hockey Club outside of school
and for 33 years was in charge of the first XI
boy’s hockey team. He has consistently provided
safe, knowledgeable, secure and experienced skills
with his hockey training. He has also been hugely
committed to umpiring school hockey matches.
Whatever the weather, Peter took enormous pride
in this aspect of his life. He is a superb hockey player
with strength and stamina and has guided many
players to success.
His care to the students over the years has been
hugely appreciated and we wish him every happiness
in his retirement.
(AWJH and JMcD)
One final thought that we can all be certain of: his
golf handicap will be plummeting with all these free
Peter Horne worked at Pocklington School for 36
years. He taught chemistry to all years including
A-level and is an extremely knowledgeable chemist
and scientist whose engagement with his subject
has inspired many. Peter’s care for his pupils was
legendary. He supported even the least able through
GCSEs with compassion and willingness to use all
his free time if necessary. Many students for whom
chemistry could be quite challenging owe so much
to him because of this willingness to help.
He has also had a strong pastoral role within
the school as Senior Housemaster for Dolman,
a development from his early days as a House
Tutor. 25 years ago he took over the role which
would come to define him every summer: Exams
Officer. In this position, he quickly became master
of the blackboard and adept at rapidly calculating
extra time. He organised endless exams, each
with precision and dutiful care. One of the things
Peter appeared to enjoy most about the job was
anticipating the imminent arrival of ‘the Visitor from
the board’ who would inspect his work. Each morning
he could be found checking emails and watching out
(L to R: Peter Horne with OP Stuart Rawlings, 75-80)
(L to R: Guy Harland 07-12, John Cooper 06-12 and
David Dyson)
Dr David Dyson arrived at Pocklington School
in September 1988 as a teacher of chemistry.
The flourishing career in pastoral work that came
later began as he became Resident Tutor in the
old Wilberforce boarding house (now part of
Pocklington Prep School). In no time, David was
Head of Fourth/Fifth Form through the 1990s.
David has also contributed in many other areas
of the school community. He has a love of sport,
especially cricket. He ran the 2nd XI cricket team
from 1990 to 2009. He organised the famous House
Camp from 1990-2007 which is now known as the
Lower School Summer Camp.
David became Head of Lower School from
Michaelmas 2001 to 2008, a role which suited him
perfectly. Here, he won over pupils and parents
alike with his caring and supportive approach;
always ready to listen and always aiming to help.
A move upwards to Assistant Head Pastoral and
Child Protection Officer (now DSL), then from
2010 to 2015 Assistant Head Boarding and Pastoral
meant a step away from a large body of pupils but
a step closer to what really mattered for David:
looking after welfare. During this time, David did an
excellent and thorough job writing and developing
all the Pocklington School Foundation welfare, child
protection and safeguarding policies.
Throughout his time at Pocklington, David has taught