The OklaRoman | Page 8

Salve et vale, OKJCL to me has been family. As I sit here typing my farewell up, It’s hard to believe that my role as an officer has come to an end. It’s hard to leave a position where you have so much fun and make so many close friends throughout the board, teachers and students alike. My mother just this past week asked me how I felt about the board and there was nothing but good words and kind phrases to be said. If there is one thing that I have taken from this position is the fact that I have gained so many leadership qualities. There were good times and difficult times of hard work in my time of office but as I look back it is amazing what I have seen the board overcome. As I say goodbye to the organization that I love the most, I’m sure there will be tears but as Ovid says: Est quaedam flere voluptas. There is a kind of pleasure in crying. My tears won’t be out of sadness but out of all the good times and great memories I have made with all of my OKJCL family. For the final time I will say goodbye and I will miss each and every one of y’all. Stay fruff OKJCL

OKJCL Parliamentarian,

-Logan Maggard
