The Official U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2016 2016 | Page 28

N.H. MAPLE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION 3 Hop Kiln Road, Bow, NH 03304 (603) 225-3757, [email protected], SUMMARY OF SEASON OFFICERS Jim Fadden President 603-381-982 Dale Smith Vice President 603-325-5900 Bruce Treat Treasurer 603-774-216 Sarah Fisher Secretary 603-978-7960 EVENTS Summer Meeting When: July 9, 2016 Where: Fadden Sugar House, North Woodstock Contact: jimfadden@aol. com ABOVE: JACOB HANNU of New Ipswich, N.H. was the Walter Felker Young Sugarmaker award winner for 2016. LEFT: MIKE BENTON of Benton’s Sugar Shack in Thornton, N.H. was the winner of the 2016 Carlisle Cup Award for best syrup. W e had a fantastic season. I think we were 15 to 18 percent up from last year. The weather was absolutely perfect for making syrup. Mid and upper state especially. The lower part of the state, they started very early. Most everyone in the mid and upper part of the state started the 17th of April, so it was a good season. Sugar content at my operation was good. I’d say I averaged 2.5 percent, which is pretty good. With all the technology we have to28 day, there’s nothing like a little help from Mother Nature. It takes long days and cold nights to make syrup, my grandfather said and that’s what we had. If I were to compare it with 2015 for example, I didn’t make any syrup at all until the 31st of March and finished the 15th of April. But in 2016, I started the 8th of March and I was done by the 17th of April. 2015 was a very poor season. It appears from the reports I’ve read that statewide, 2016 was an excellent maple production year. Jim Fadden, president AWARDS Carlisle Award Recipient: Benton’s Sugar Shack Info: www.nhmaple Felker Award Info: www.nhmaple U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2016