After covering the camps, we have left out two
large circles on each side of the map. Covering the
Capable of swinging a giant club, throwing boulders,
gap next to the long lane (where the distance between
and even controlling lava, the Fire Giant will wreck
each team’s outer towers is the largest) we find the
a team not prepared to face him. However, felling
den of the infamous Gold Fury. She’s a beast with
the giant provides a considerable bonus similar to
scaling health (increasing as the match continues),
Gold Fury. The team who got the killing blow gets
starting just under 3000, and capable of 140 physical
200 xp and 150 gold per player, and those still alive
damage a second! Why pick a fight with her you ask?
get the ‘Fire Giant’s Might’ buff. This buff provides a
The entire team of the person who lands the killing
massive chunk of power (50 Phys/70 Mag), alongside
blow on her gets a bounty of both experience and
regenerating 4% of your health and 2% of your mana
gold that increases the further match goes on. The
every 5 seconds. This allows for a speedy recovery
amount starts at 100 experience and gold, increasing
as your team charges the remaining objectives left
by 10 per minute up to respective caps of 250 for
with a 20% damage increase versus Towers and
experience and 350 for gold. Again, this is given to
Phoenixes. Both the Gold Fury and the Fire Giant
each member of your team, even if they weren’t
have a respawn time of 5 minutes (300 seconds).
participating in the fight. This advantage to your whole
Speaking of those Towers and Phoenixes, these
team is why, in higher ranked matches, you’ll see
are the objectives that protect each lane leading
extensive warding of the Gold Fury as an attempt to
towards the Titans of Order and Chaos. Each lane
both secure it and deny it from the enemy team.
contains two towers and a phoenix. The first tower
Now moving across the map, we find Gold
Fury’s partner in crime, the Fire Giant. This legend
is the strongest thing on the map that isn’t a player.
The SMITE Community Magazine Issue #19
each team encounters furthest out is known as a Tier
1 tower, with the ones after being Tier 2. Although
The GameOn Magazine