There’s this girl on my team, Baster or something,
But it didn’t last. It only took a day for my fingers to
she’s obsessed with cats but I’ve literally been
start shaking enough to disrupt my work, which is
spliced with a spider so, in comparison, she’s fairly
when the medical staff found out and changed the
normal. Anyway Baster saw Mr. Green Mountain
sheets. It’s probably for the best. Not being able to
wandering around smashing things, and radioed
weave, something I’m really proud of, was incredibly
in his location. We’d never seen anyone this color
frustrating. I used to be known all around the
before, but the enemies have been known to dabble
world for my creations, and even though I’ve added
in genetic modification and biological warfare, so
scratching people’s eyes out, poisoning them, and
we figured that staying out of the way was probably
best. At least until we figured out how to deal
with the new threat. But I was the idiot who, while
running from a crocodile, basically ignored the
order to stay away and ran right into the modified
Ymir’s lane. After the poisoning and the stabbing,
I’m not really sure what happened. I just came to
in the sick bay. The doctors said something about a
glitch and needing to pull me from the front lines.
I gotta say, bed rest is boring; there are only so
many ceiling tiles you can count, and hearing your
own heartbeat slow down over the course of a few
hours is terrifying. I used to weave to distract myself
from the mind numbing activity of counting to one
million and back. The sheets that I was lying on
were pretty ratty, so getting string wasn’t too hard.
The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #19
The GameOn Magazine 25