of those situations where I couldn’t really do anything
Instead, when I thought I’d lost him, I took a
to hurt him; his skin was too thick for my fangs to
sharp turn, slammed my back against a wall, and
pierce, so poisoning him was off the table. I could
waited for my heart to slow down. By the time I
make a web to slow him down, but that was about
remembered that there probably was an enemy
it. Anyway, I took off, zigzagging because I’d heard
wandering around this lane, I had already been
that crocodiles can’t really keep up if you do that.
stabbed in the leg by ice-stalactites, which would
I think it was Sol, the new girl who likes fire way
have been easy for the doctors to heal except that
too much to be completely stable, who blew my cover
the ice was this weird glowing green color. I’m
by screaming for help over the radio. I think I said
assuming that meant I had already been poisoned,
something along the lines of “deal with it yourself
but, just to make sure, Ymir, the guy who snuck up
newbie,” or “I gotta lose a tail,” before I turned the
on me, decided to spit, or maybe vomit, more of the
damn noise box off and started running behind
stuff all over me and that was it - goodbye legs, you
every rock that would cover me so I could actually
served me well. I should be grateful that the Glowing
breathe between sprints. The one thing that I didn’t
Green Mountain decided to let me go, but part of
do, was look behind me. In a chase that sort of thing
me - a part that has been growing as the hours
generally guarantees that you’ll be caught or run
and days drag on - wishes he’d finished the job.
into a wall and knock yourself out like an idiot.
24 The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #19
Mainly, it’s my fault for even being over there.
The GameOn Magazine