The tea time with … disfrutar lo que hago en la universidad , que en definitiva para mí ha sido un regalo , un descubrimiento . Yo cuando tenía la edad de ustedes nunca me imaginé , por eso les digo que trato de no pensar y establecerme a muy largo plazo , cuando yo tenía su edad nunca imaginé , nunca pensé y nunca me interesó trabajar , o sea , yo no conocía cual era la distribución de las oficinas del noveno piso ( Edificio Gimpert ), para que se hagan una idea , no tenía idea quiénes estaban en el noveno y quiénes estaban en el decimo piso , no me interesaba subir a esos pisos , no me interesaba ser ayudante , o sea estudiaba cuando tenía que estudiar , pero nunca pensé en algún momento , en algún día de mi vida tener una oficina en el noveno piso . Y en algún momento llegué y es un agrado y me gusta hacerlo y me gusta estar acá y lo disfruto al máximo .
-What is your favourite word ?
Under the candle light
-I ’ ve never thought about that . Maybe now is coherence , but it ’ s not because of the referent it ’ s because of the connotation .
-What is your least favourite word ?
-I don ’ t have one . I would say , just to pick one , No .
Pick one ...
-Red , white or water -A fancy restaurant , fast food or dinner at home -Pants , shorts or jeans -Books , music or movies -JK Rowling , Stephanie Meyer or JRR Tolkien -Vampires , werewolves or zombies -Vivian Leigh in ‘ Gone by the wind ’, Audrey Hepburn in ‘ Breakfast at Tiffany ’ s ’ or Elizabeth Taylor in ‘ Cleopatra ’ ( Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction ) -Farrah Fawcett , Charlize Theron or Megan Fox -Sir Sean Connery , Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig -Formal shoes , sport shoes or flip-flops -Past , present or future -Health , money or love -Breakfast , lunch or dinner -Chicken , beef or fish -Spring , summer , autumn or winter -A black tuxedo , a nice suit or sport clothes -Go shopping , walk next to the beach or stay in bed
-What is your favourite curse word ?
-I would say a multifunctional word , Fuck .
-What sound or noise do you love ?
-The sound of the sea .
-What sound or noise do you hate ?
-The sounds of those machines that are working in the stadium .
-What profession other than your own would you like to attempt ?
-Of course a football player ! And play in Italy and make lot of money and travel around the world ( laughs ) No , I would love to be a sports person at anything , you know , I practice boxing , I do boxing and I ’ d really love to be a professional boxer .
-What profession would you not like to do ?
-I wouldn ’ t like to be a lawyer or something like that . I ’ m not interested in that .
-Who is the most important person in your life ?
-My daughter , definitely .
-Is there any whish that you have not come true yet ?
-To be the father of a son .
-Do you have any guilty pleasure ?
-A lot , many , but I won ’ t talk about that ( laughs ).
-If Heaven exists , what would you like to hear God says when you arrive at the Pearly Gates ?
-I don ’ t know , I don ’ t know . That ’ s a really good question . I ’ ve never thought about that . Maybe this is not as boring as you thought .
-If you could leave a message for the humankind , what would it be ?
-Squeeze life .