The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 31, Number 2 | Page 7

From the NJSACOP Archives ... OCTOBER
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | October 2024
1913 The Association received a briefing from the Bertillon System explaining “ the various finger-print systems now in vogue ,” further explaining that a class of instruction was being prepared which , for a “ very normal ” price , to make it possible for the smaller police departments “ to enjoy the benefits of finger-print and photographic system .”
1914 The NJSACOP monthly State Chiefs meeting for October 1914 was held at the Newark Court House . Under the heading of New Business , Chief Tolen “ called attention to the association to the by-laws and constitution explaining that in his opinion they were far from complete , that the association was growing fast and there should be a financial secretary appointed to relieve the other officers . He likewise said there was several defects which he had noticed that should be remedied .” Following discussion , it was moved , seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to draft new by-laws for the Association .
1935 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for October 1935 was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall , Asbury Park , NJ . Following routine business , the president ordered that the committee appointed at the last meeting have their draft resolution “ spread in full upon the minutes ”:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT WE , Chiefs of Police C . N . Dell , Frederick Roff and Peter F . Brady , members of the N . J . State Ass ’ n of Chief of Police , were placed upon a committee on September 5 , 1935 , to draw a resolution denouncing the conduct of the business of the International Association of Chiefs of Police , in not following the by-Law and furthermore , being controlled by retired members of the Police Department , also , that the chairs are occupied by men who are not commanding officers of a police department .
WHEREAS , Section 2 , Article 2 , in regard to membership is grossly violated , we go on record that this Section of the By-Laws be changed . Applications received from department store detectives , private watchmen , and members of the Department of Justice , were turned down by the Credential Committee and later , these same applications for membership were approved by the Executive Board . The Credential Committee when accepting full fledged members in the part , were told that they were in charge and their word was law , in regard to approving or rejecting any man who did not comply with the by-Laws of the International Association of Chiefs of Police . In the above-named instance these men were rejected and later accepted . It appears the association is looking for quantity instead of quality .
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