The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 31, Number 2 | Page 6



Gettysburg and After
From September 27 — 29 , the NJSACOP conducted this year ’ s NJSACOP Staff Ride for Law Enforcement Program at the national military park in Gettysburg , PA . Naturally , the program focused on the historic battle that took place in July 1863 .
The leaders at the Battle of Gettysburg faced problems all too familiar to the modern police executive — internal ( and external ) politics , working with often unreliable information , juggling a shortage of manpower and resources , getting people with diverse personalities to work together for a common goal . The decisions they made in the face of these obstacles provide a range of leadership lessons for today ’ s leader .
Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle in the American Civil War with around 50,000 casualties , and it marked one of the war ’ s turning points . Over the three days of fighting , victory hung in the balance , as the commander ’ s individual strengths and weaknesses caused the battle to swing first one way then the other . In many ways , the battle provides a laboratory to explore contemporary issues including strategic thinking , decisiveness , empowerment , succession management , personal projection , communication , acting under pressure , and the use of new technology . As always on our Staff Rides , the attendees had a very enjoyable time while at the same time studying and contemplating these issues .
This year , however , there was an added dimension to the program . We arrived in Gettysburg having recently commemorated the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11 , 2001 . This added a new and sobering element to this program . Walking the fields , seeing the monuments , contemplating the sacrifices made on those very spots is always a moving and important experience . To do so with those recent commemorations still fresh in our minds only added to the richness of the experience .
Times change , but truly some issues are eternal , and how those who came before us confronted those issues can provide us with valuable lessons . Our Association will continue to mine the great events from our nation ’ s past , drawing contemporary lessons from the experiences of leaders ( and those they led ) who shaped that past by their actions and decisions . We hope you will consider joining us at a future program . You can be certain it will be a moving , educational , and enjoyable experience .
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The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | October 2024
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