The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 4 | Page 9

FORBIDDEN ACTS Passing of vehicles on their right . Passing with on-coming cars too near . Increasing speed before completely passed by overtaking vehicle that has signaled intent to pass . Overtaking car ahead on railroad crossing . Coasting with gears in neutral . Throwing packages from moving vehicles . Following street cars closer than ten ( 10 ) feet . Passing to left of moving or standing street cars .
PARKING PROHIBITED On paved portion of highways in open country . Within an intersection . On a cross-walk . Between safety zone and curb , or 20 feet from point of safety zone . In front of a private driveway . Within 25 feet of cross-walk approaching an intersection . Within 50 feet of STOP street sign . Within 20 feet of driveway of FIRE Station . Within 10 feet of FIRE HYDRANT . Within 50 feet of next right-hand corner of any street used by auto bus route .
PEDESTRIANS Have right of way only at crossings , in places where no traffic control . Have right of way at cross-walks , if caught by changing lights . Shall not cross diagonally , or against Stop signal .
RIGHT OF WAY TO POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS Upon the approach of any Police or Fire Department vehicle , giving audible signal by bell , siren or exhaust whistle , the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately drive the same to a position as near as possible and parallel to the right-hand edge or curb of the highway , clear of any intersection of highways , and shall stop and remain in such position unless otherwise directed by a police or traffic officer , until the Police or Fire Department vehicle shall have passed .
RECKLESS DRIVING Any person who shall drive any vehicle upon a highway , carelessly and heedlessly , in a willful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others , or without due caution and circumspection , and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger , or to be likely to endanger any person or property , shall be guilty of reckless driving . Penalties – First offense , 30 days , $ 100 fine or both ; second offense , 60 days , $ 200 fine , or both .
SPEED LIMITS Any person driving a vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed , not greater nor less than is reasonable and proper , having due regard to the traffic , surface and width of the highway , and of any other condition then existing , and no person shall drive any vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as to endanger the life , limb or the property of any person .
10 miles when passing school at recess , opening or closing . 15 miles at highway intersections , around curves , or upon grades , where view is obstructed . 15 miles in business districts where traffic is not controlled . 20 miles in business districts under traffic control . 20 miles in residence districts . 30 miles when authorized by signs posted on controlled thoroughfare . 40 miles under all other conditions .