LEFT TURN The traffic officer standing facing vehicles to make a left turn , sweep of arm ( either arm ) in front of body , with elbow held stiff . The whistle is not to be sounded in giving this signal .
TURNS , HAND SIGNALS , STARTING , STOPPING . 1 – Except as otherwise provided in this article , the driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection , shall approach such intersection in the lane for traffic nearest to the right curb or side of the highway and in turning shall keep as closely as practicable to the right hand curb or side of the highway until the turn is completed , and when intending to turn to the left shall approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center line of the high way and in turning left shall pass immediately to the left of the center of the intersection , passing as closely as shall be practicable to the left of the center of the intersection .
2 – For the purpose of this article , the center of the intersection shall mean the meeting point of the medial lines of the highways intersecting one another .
3 – Local authorities in their respective jurisdictions may modify the foregoing method of turning at intersections , by clearly indicating by buttons , markers or other direction signs within an intersection , the course to be followed by vehicles turning therein , and it shall be unlawful for any driver to fail to turn in a manner as so directed when such direction signs are installed by local authorities .
4 ( a ) – The driver of any vehicle upon a highway , before starting , stopping , backing or turning from a direct line , shall first see that such movement can be made in safety , and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement , shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn , and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement , shall give a signal , as required in this section , plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle or pedestrian , of the intention to make such movement .
( b ) – The signal herein required shall be given either by means of the hand and arm in the manner herein specified , or by an approved mechanical or electrical signal device , except that when a vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent the hand and arm signal from being visible , both to the front and rear , the signal shall be given by a device of a type which has been approved by the department .
5 – Whenever the signal is given by means of the hands and arm , the driver shall indicate his intention to start , or stop , or turn , by extending the hand and arm from and beyond the side of the vehicle .
6 – No vehicle shall back or make a turn in any street , if by so doing it interferes with other vehicles , but shall go around a block or to a street sufficiently wide to turn in without backing .
ACCIDENTS Give your name , address , registration number , show license to person struck , or driver and occupants of car struck . Carry injured to hospital or physician if necessary or requested .
Report accident to Motor Vehicle Department within 48 hours , if person injured , or if $ 25.00 damage is done . Garage and repair shops report evidence of accidents to the nearest Police Station within 24 hours , also any auto that appears to have been struck by bullets .