The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 27, Number 6 | Page 5

The NJSACOP sends its deepest condolences to the family of
Chief Anthony Galietti Retired Member


The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | January 2021
Each January the Association President writes a message for the NJ Police Chief Magazine , usually looking back on the past year , often looking forward to the year ahead . I can confidently assume that when our then-President , Chris Leusner , sat down to write his message for last January ’ s magazine , he had no idea of what was just around the corner . Of course , none of us did . The fact of the matter is that no one ever really knows what challenges or obstacles lie ahead . We all pray that this new year will see the end of the global pandemic ; but we all know that there will be challenges and hurdles to confront ( let ’ s hope that they are not quite as drastic ). The new year will also be a time for those of us in police leadership to put into practice some of the lessons learned during the response to the multiple crises of the past year .
Of special note is the need for active collaboration between the emergency services , as well as with the health care community . Like all critical incidents , during a public health / public safety crisis the ability to understand the role played by all agencies and personnel can streamline response and save time and resources . I am proud of the way our law enforcement community came together to share real-time information and engaged in a coordinated response at the local , county , and state level . Like in so many other ways , New Jersey ’ s policing community has been a national leader and model in this regard .
No doubt the new year will bring new ( and on-going ) challenges for our members , our profession , and our Association . As the saying goes , there is strength in numbers , and together as an Association we will meet those challenges and continue to serve and lead “ the greatest Police Chiefs Association in the United States .”
Chief Louis Bordi NJSACOP President

The NJSACOP sends its deepest condolences to the family of

Chief Anthony Galietti Retired Member