The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | January 2021
109 years of service – and counting Each month in our New Jersey Police Chief Magazine , we dig into our Association ’ s archives to publish highlights from our organization ’ s history stretching back to the very beginning in the early years of the 20 th century , right up to recent times . I hope that you take the time to read these highlights each month ( as well as take a look at the vintage photos ). Not only is reading these highlights interesting and enjoyable , but they also offer a look into where we have been , both as an organization and a profession . They reveal how our Chiefs and our Association have from the very start taken the lead in addressing the issues facing policing in our state , and just what an important role we have always played in moving our profession forward .
In reading through these articles each month , it is also clear that , again from the very start , the NJSACOP has also been an important resource for our members and their agencies , as well as for our state government . I hope our members take as much pride in the history and traditions of our Association as I do .
I cannot but think of the fact that when we look back at our archives for 2020 , we will find a rather routine January and February and then – a combination of complete silence and incredible stories . What will fill our 2021 archives ? Only time will tell , but I can promise all of our members and stakeholders that we will honor our history and continue to lead the way in addressing the issues facing policing in our state and in moving our profession forward .
Mitchell C . Sklar , Esq . NJSACOP Executive Director