The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 26, Number 6 | Page 4
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2020
The New Jersey Police Chief is a
publication of the New Jersey State
Association of Chiefs of Police
Mitchell C. Sklar/Executive Director/Editor
Jennifer Conover/Layout & Design
Melissa J. Gaines/Proofreader
Copyright ©2020 by the New Jersey State
Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. Reproduction of
any part of this publication without express written
permission is strictly prohibited.
March 5th Chiefs Briefing
will be held at
The Doubletree Hotel
700 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ
Click the link below for
The New Jersey Police Chief is published monthly by
the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police,
Inc., 751 Route 73 North, Suite 12, Marlton, NJ,
08053; phone: (856) 334-8943, fax: (856) 334-8947.
The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police,
Inc. is a non-government, not-for-profit organization.
photo albums please visit NJSACOP is seeking
submissions for the
“NJ Police Chief”
Each month the NJSACOP publishes an
organizational periodical, The New Jersey
Police Chief. This publication has several
functions in addition to serving as an association
information vehicle, including providing our
pages to colleagues in law enforcement to share
some insights, advice, practical knowledge, or
other thoughts with our readers, which include
not only Chiefs of Police, but also others in law
enforcement, as well as state, federal and local
legislators and elected officials.
All readers and other interested parties are
encouraged to submit articles, opinion pieces,
letters, columns, or other material for
consideration for publication in The New Jersey
Police Chief Magazine.
Deadline: 1st of the
For more information
month for inclusion contact the Editor at
in upcoming edition. [email protected].