The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 26, Number 3 | Page 7
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | November 2019
From the NJSACOP Archives….November
The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for November 1912 was held in Perth Amboy, NJ. It
was regularly moved and seconded that
We tender our services to Pres.-Elect Wilson, as a guard of honor on the day of his
inauguration at Washington, members to be in full uniform, a committee consisting of
Chiefs Monahan, Keily, and Gallagher to be appointed with power to make the necessary
arrangements, resolution carried.
At the monthly NJSACOP Chiefs Meeting, Chief Dolan spoke on the “various ways and mean of the
smaller towns in handling of the heavier Sunday traffic…”
Chief Henry Gallagher
Montclair PD
So that it is held up causing blocks and drivers taking chances to get
to the head of lines and in some cases where two and possibly three
lines can be made they are kept to just one line each way and if
members know of these conditions in these towns.
Chief Patrick Dolan
Hudson County PD
A committee was appointed consisting of Chiefs Keily, Culliton, Forss,
O’Neil, and Siccardi to “adopt a standard of traffic signals, turning,
where Officers are stationed and the speeding up of heavy traffic.”
At that same meeting, representatives from the Polton Brothers Company of New
York City made a presentation to the members on “different styles of clubs and
bombs as well as a spray system to overcome criminals who are dangerous so
[there is] no danger to the Officer in making an arrest.”
Chief Peter Siccardi (Bergen Co. PD)
and Chief John Forss (Garfield PD
A Resolution was adopted by the Association stating that “H. Norman Schwarzkopf be accepted as
a member of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, such membership to continue as
long as the said H. Norman Schwarzkopf remains Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.”
H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Superintendent, NJ State
The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for November 1932 was held in Newark, NJ. The
regular order of business was suspended “and dispensed with to usher Dr. Gluckman of Newark,
N.J. into the meeting.” Dr. Gluckman addressed the members on the subject of health, “stressing
the importance of healthy men giving the maximum efficiency to a police department, and
advocating specialists in the examination of policemen periodically.”