From the NJSACOP Archives … September
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | September 2021
1927 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for September 1927 was held in Newark , NJ . The following amendment to Section 1 , Article 4 of the NJSACOP Constitution was offered by the By-Laws Committee :
Persons eligible for membership in this association shall be chiefs of police having a permanent command of a uniform force in any County or Municipality in the State of New Jersey and of which force they are Executive officer and head thereof , also any Chief of Detectives attached to the Office of the Prosecutor of Pleas in any County of the said State , the said Chief of Police and Chief of Detectives must be protected by the Civil Service Act or the Tenure of Office act of the State of New Jersey . This amendment shall not apply to members of this association and who are not protected by the Civil Service act or the Tenure of Office act of the State of New Jersey .
1936 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for September 1936 was held at the Belmar Yacht Club in Belmar , NJ . Following the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting , a “ communication from H . Norman Schwarzkopf dated June 8 th tendering his resignation from the association and thanking the association for courtesies extended was read and ordered filed .”
1937 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for September 1937 was held in Belmar , NJ . Following
discussion regarding the status of the membership application of New Jersey State Police Superintendent Mark Kimberling , Chief Roff moved that :
H . Norman Schwarzkopf , NJ State Police
“ Section 1 of Article 4 of the Constitution be amended to read and include the Superintendent of State Police ” which was carried after a second to the motion had been made .
1960 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for September 1960 was conducted at the American Hotel in Freehold . Chief Charles McCoy , chair of the Association ’ s Conference Resolutions Committee , presented the Association ’ s resolution on the Firearms Registration Act , NJSA 2A : 151-36 . “ This resolution recommended the amendment of this statute regarding the time ( seven days ) to ‘ reasonable time to investigate ’ applications for firearms permits .” A motion was made , seconded and passed approving the resolution .
Chief Charles McCoy , Sr . Boonton PD
Chief Joseph Gorsky , Chairman of the NJSACOP Public Relations Committee , reported on legislation and “ brought to the attention of members that this was an opportune time to get behind the passage of a Police Training Bill . Chief Gorsky pointed out recent incidents where police officers and communities were held responsible for civil damage in shooting cases , and the need for a state-wide standard in police training to be obtained .” He also reported that Governor Meyner had signed the pension bill amendment awarding one-half salary to the widow of a police officer killed in the performance of duty .