The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2021
Milestone Month
Some months have holiday festivities ( think December ), some make us think of those things for which we are thankful ( November ), some remind us of our nation ’ s history ( July ). February has some things going for it , of course ; Presidents Day for the patriotic and Valentine ’ s Day for the romantic . For the NJSACOP , February has another significance – it is the anniversary of the organization ’ s founding .
In 1912 , about 20 New Jersey Police Chiefs banded together for the purpose of unity , elevating standards , planning , cooperation , the protection of life and property and close cooperation with law enforcement authorities in neighboring states . The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police was officially inaugurated with the first State Chiefs Meeting on February 12 , 1912 at the Newark Court House . At the meeting Elizabeth P . D . Chief George Tenney was elected the first NJSACOP President . By-Laws were adopted and meetings were set for the first Thursday of each month , a tradition that continues unbroken to this day . The new president addressed the members and pledged to “ do everything in his power to advance the objects of the Association and work for the betterment of police departments .”
As we enter our 109 th year of service , our organization can be proud of how far we have come , as well as how close we have stayed to our founding principles . Early on ( in fact , by the association ’ s second meeting ), professional development and training were matters of primary importance , another tradition which continues to this day . By the third year , the organizational minutes show repeated mentions of “ troubles ” that certain chiefs were having with local elected officials . Unfortunately , this is another tradition that continues to live on .
In many ways , of course , if those ‘ founding fathers ’ could visit our association today , they would be surprised by what they saw ( pleasantly surprised , I would like to think ). Of course , our membership has grown to about 400 Active Chiefs , with hundreds of Retired Chiefs , along with an almost equal number of Law Enforcement Associate and Private Sector Affiliate Members . Beyond sheer number , our predecessors would be amazed at the existence of a paid , professional staff , and the tremendous portfolio of programs , services , events , and products that the association offers to our members and their agencies . But if we have reached towards the sky , it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants , from the first generation of our members through to those who throughout the decades helped to shape the organization that we know today .
Mitchell C . Sklar , Esq . NJSACOP Executive Director