The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Vol. 27, Number 7 | Page 12

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Many departments are missing opportunities to review footage as a means to improve performance and highlight both positive and negative interactions


New body worn camera auditing software platform emphasizes accuracy , efficiency and ease of use

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In jurisdictions large and small

throughout the country , law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve are
increasingly seeing the use of police officer body worn cameras as critical to enhancing transparency and accountability .
But there is a growing consensus within the academic and law enforcement communities that merely deploying the cameras without also implementing sound strategies to use the hours and hours of footage of police activity to

Many departments are missing opportunities to review footage as a means to improve performance and highlight both positive and negative interactions

provide better supervision , training and quality assurance greatly undercuts their vast potential to improve policing . Dr . Eric Piza , Associate Professor with the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at City University of New York is involved in an ongoing study about how police agencies utilize body worn cameras . He says agencies that deploy body worn cameras but then fail to develop and implement measures to use the data cameras provide to actually improve police work and bolster public trust are selling the technology short .
“ Far too often the public expects cameras to fix all the complex problems associated with policing ,” said Dr . Piza . “ But far too few departments have implemented regular and ongoing audit and review policies and instead only review video when something bad happens .”
Many departments , Dr . Piza believes , are missing opportunities to review footage as a means to improve performance and highlight both