The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Vol. 26, Number 10 | Page 5
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2020
I am writing this article for the last time as your President of this great Association. This past
year certainly has been challenging for our profession. First, the Coronavirus Pandemic,
where we in New Jersey were ground zero, and then, in the wake of the tragic death of
George Floyd, the largest mass protests our country has seen in decades. I am tired, like I
am sure many of you are, but we must continue to move forward with the important work of
keeping our communities safe through Community Problem Oriented Policing.
I hope this time will allow us to learn more from one another and create new partnerships to help improve public
safety for all. I know there is a lot of negativity about law enforcement at the current moment, but I am
unwavering in my view that the men and women of law enforcement in this state are the best in the nation. I
remain proud to be a member of the New Jersey law enforcement family. The professionalism, compassion, work
ethic, and perseverance of the Police Chiefs in this state, your officers, and the staff at the NJSACOP State Office has
been an inspiration to me during my tenure.
The philosophy that I and the outstanding NJSACOP Executive Board and Staff during these last few months has
been to be there for you every step of the way. To be a strong advocate for you to our leaders at the state and
federal level. To provide timely and accurate information to you. To be in constant communication and adapt
quickly to changing conditions on the ground. I hope we have met these goals on your behalf.
Another chapter awaits us here in New Jersey as many pieces of legislation, policies, and regulations are being
proposed for policing in this state and our country. I know we all share the same goal of building a better future for
all the residents of New Jersey. I am not sure how all these proposals will ultimately play out, but I am confident of
one thing: Incoming President Chief Lou Bordi and this Association, and the honorable and committed professionals
in it, will work tirelessly on your behalf.
I thank everyone again for the important work you do every day. It was an honor and a privilege to serve as your
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Christopher M. Leusner
President, NJSACOP