The Next Level Issue 2021 Issue 1 Volume 2 | Page 22

word artist ?
The stage never lost its luster for me ! But I did have to prioritize my family ’ s wellbeing and allow myself to be more than a poet , which people just got used to me being . I do still perform , and this aspect of my career reignited in 2019 when I played the role of Bongile ’ s Voice in the NAMA Winning production ‘ Bongile : We Are ’ a theatre production written and Produced by Chiedza Makwara and Directed by Yeukai Chandiposha . Although an off-stage role , this was an almost cathartic experience for me , bringing me back to my roots in live performance . I have since performed in the opening production of the SoCreative 2020 Summit , as well as at the I AM Women ’ s Conference recently held in Harare . I ’ m also releasing a mixtape soon so that ’ s exciting !
GM : How has the shift in your responsibility affected you as a mother , entrepreneur and artist . Would you say that you would change anything at all in your life at this point ?
I wouldn ’ t change anything right now , although , if it were possible , I would beg for more time to be a Mum . If anything , I would say the mounting pressures and responsibilities have made me a more efficient and organized person and this reflects in all aspects of my life and career .
GM : What Issues would you like to see your art , business , teaching and digital work address on a national scale ?
That ’ s a tough one ! I would like to see my work influence the creation of a culture not afraid to try new ways of doing things . I hope to play a significant role in shaping the way our education sector works . School is the beginning of everything as I like to think . If we can improve the way we learn , what we learn and how we learn , I believe we would be positioning ourselves as a nation for a more tangible level of success .
GM : We are so excited about your life , new love and a new chapter in your life . What values or lessons did you pick up in your journey to this moment ?
Your excitement gives me life ! These are my key lessons so far : a ) God is not done with you yet – when you are at the lowest point of your life , just remember that God has a plan and purpose for you beyond your perceived reality . b ) Let it go and let it go quickly – learn to let go of things , people or circumstances that have hurt you . You will not move forward if you keep looking back . The sooner you let go the sooner you can move on . c ) Allow yourself to be yourself . d ) Not everyone will want to see you win or like you or think you are the dopest and that ’ s okay . As long as you want to see you win and you believe in yourself , it doesn ’ t matter what anyone says . Cheesy , but it ’ s true . e ) Love and allow yourself to be loved . This is a hard one and the success of this is largely dependent on your ability to love yourself , faults and all . f ) Never be afraid to walk away from the familiar to pursue the new .
GM : It ’ s a new decade , a new chapter for you on all levels . What can we look forward to from you and where do we expect to see you in the longterm period ?
Probably doing something out of the ordinary and hopefully a dress-size smaller ! If there ’ s anything my journey so far has taught me , you never know what God has planned . Whatever l ' ll be doing just know that I ’ ll be living my best life and doing the absolute most !