The News Digger | Page 2

February at Irony Hey

By: Niki Stewart

This month the 7th grade took a bike trip to the "Yarkon park". They heard a lecture about bicycles and when they finished they went to the school basketball court to receive their bikes and helmets.

The guide led the way on her bike to the Yarkon park and everyone enjoyed the trip.

This month all of the school received their report cards and the kids with an average of 90+ received a certificate of excellence in front of the whole school. The ceremony opened with a beautiful presentation of the main events at school this year. After that the teachers called up to the stage every kid that got an excellence certificate. All of the kids were very excited and at the end of the ceremony, Tal from class 7-1 sang a lovely song. It was great!

This month the robotics group went to a robotics competition and won a 3rd place trophy. The group members described the experience as "challenging and fun". The competition was held at Tichonet school. Everybody was very excited when they won.

If you are interested in robotics, you should follow their Instagram page: _heybot_