over the country . Every time I think that the love has plateaued , another layer is added . God bless you all !
Many times as I ’ m alone reflecting on this or that , I think to myself , “ Why me ? Surely there are better people out there who deserve all of this more than me .” But then I remember that it ’ s exactly because I ’ m marginalized , because of my faults , because I ’ m imperfect , because I am so visibly stained that I have received this care . That is your , our , charism as Precious Blood people . To love people whom society hates . To go to the prisons , streets , hospitals — and love and accept people as they are . Not as we want them to be , but as they are — in the often-rusty condition we find them in .
I hope that you will all pray for me . Pray that I may perpetuate this same spirituality . Pray that I may fulfill my covenant and make many more covenants . Please pray that I don ’ t disappoint all of you who have been rooting for me .
This is a piece about my journey . It has just begun . But as we all continue to journey together I hope that my journey will cross paths with many of yours on the way and that I will be granted the grace to show you the love that you all have shown me .
God Bless you all — Companions , members , and Precious Blood people all , and thank you . W
Editor , continued from page 2 we head to our usual ‘ pews ’ in the stands at our chosen cathedral . We cheer wildly for our sports heroes , even praying for success . We wear team colors and carry flags and sing songs of praise . We wait and watch and hope for miraculous moment . We use the royal ‘ we ‘ when talking about our team because it feels like we are part of something bigger than ourselves , like we , too , are out there playing .”
Sports and religion were often not very compatible at other times in history . The Puritans , for example , could summarize their opposition to sports with three points , namely , sport was not the best use of time , sport often took place on Sunday , and sport was often associated with drinking and gambling and bad company . Well , some things don ’ t change .
The legendary coach , Vince Lombardi , once stated , “ Football is like life , it requires perseverance , selfdenial , hard work sacrifice , dedication and respect for authority .” He also famously said , “ Football is not a contact sport , it ’ s a collision sport . Dancing is a contact sport .” So is religion ( from Latin religare , ‘ to bind ’) when it is at its best . W
Leadership , continued from page 3 renovating a present building ? That appears to be a more plausible option . Joe Nassal reflected on this option in his recent article .
Yes , this renovation will require a significant outlay of money to cover the costs . As individual members , where do we stand in terms of our willingness to cover these expenditures ? Related to this appears to be these questions on the mind of some members , “ Will we be able to recover our costs ? Will it be able to pay for itself ?”
We need to be reminded of Pope Francis ’ comment , “ Sometimes discernment will lead an order to keep open a work that will not be financially self-supporting .”
Being frugal appears to be part of our dna as a Province and as a Community . At the time the Kansas City Province came into existence the coffers were basically bare . Going back even further , when the Community was started in this country , the coffers were just as bare . Through good management and the frugality of the membership , things turned around . It is safe to say that our Province is at present financially secure .
But just how financially secure must we be ? As Pope Francis reminds us , “ Members of religious orders are called to be models for the world of a Christian way of dealing with money and economic decisions .”
How generous are we willing to be in using our resources to underwrite our charism of renewal and reconciliation within the church and the wider world ? W
February 2017 • The New Wine Press • 11