The New Wine Press vol 25 no 4 December 2016 | Page 9

Fall has always been my favorite time of year . The crisp mornings , the beautiful clear blue skies , and the changing color of the trees fill me with peace , comfort and awe . It is also the time during which the Companions of the Precious Blood hold their annual retreat in this part of the country . This is an event I look forward to each fall . The beautiful Marillac Center in Leavenworth , Kansas afforded a perfect venue for this retreat and the much-needed time for reflection , prayer , reconciliation , and companionship .
We were graciously welcomed to the retreat house at the center , shown our rooms , and then gathered with other retreatants to spend a few minutes renewing friendships and relaxing in conversation . This is but another plus to our retreats . It provides a time to reconnect with Companions of other groups to share our triumphs and perhaps our challenges .
This year ’ s retreat , “ Four Irritatingly Beautiful Questions for Disciples and Companions of the Precious Blood ” piqued my curiosity . What in the world would this be about ? What kind of questions are we talking about ? Who is Fr . Ben Berinti ? How will this awaken my spirituality ? Questions I had about the four questions ! I did not need to worry , because this year ’ s retreat proved to rate in my top choices for a truly spiritual retreat . Fr . Ben is a gifted speaker who asked intriguing questions that left me with much to ponder and many seeds for further reflection .
The four irritatingly beautiful questions that were the frame of Fr . Ben ’ s talks opened my eyes to a whole new world . To begin we discovered that the questions are not questions we bring to God — questions like will you help me , will you save my beloved from disease or death , and so on . No , they are questions God asks us ! What an interesting concept . Father Ben used scripture to guide us through the questions God is asking of us !
The first question God asks us in scripture comes in Genesis , “ Where are you ?” This question set me to reflecting on where I am in my relationship with my spiritual journey , my family , and my fellow companions . Father Ben told us if you don ’ t know where you are , how can you know where you are going ? What a simple question , yet so difficult for me to answer . Taking an
Precious Blood Companions

Four Irritatingly Beautiful Questions by Rena Tulipana , Liberty Missori Companion inventory of where I am in my world is just the beginning of becoming aware of where I am going .

The first question led us to other questions that stirred me to ponder my awareness of the people , the gifts given by God , as well as to my surroundings — an opportunity to contemplate on the distractions in my life . Am I awake ? Am I allowing the busy world to distract me from God and from taking time to pray and praise Our Lord for the gifts given ?
We were challenged by Fr . Ben to take an inventory of our spiritual abundance , or lack thereof . Fr . Ben ’ s third question reminded us to take stock of our “ abundance ” or “ scarcity ” and questioned what to do when we feel insufficient . This question resonated with me . Often I feel overwhelmed by the many “ things ” to be done in life , things that leave me with little time to pray or to be there for others . It seems to be the way of the world — too busy ! We are called to give this to God , to “ offer it up ,” and give thanks for what we have been given . Such an easy but fresh outlook to have . I pledge to work on this question !
Perhaps the most meaningful part of the retreat for me was Fr . Ben ’ s exegesis of Isaiah 6:1-8 . This passage is God ’ s call to Isaiah . Fr . Ben presented this passage as a series of steps in God ’ s call to Isaiah . These steps are a culmination of all the questions asked during the retreat . They are a perfect conclusion to these ( not so ) irritating beautiful questions : We have it ( supply ), we take inventory of what we have ; whom do we know who can help our brothers and sisters in need ? How can we answer “ Send me !”?
If you did not attend the annual retreat yet , mark your calendar for the upcoming retreats in Orlando , Florida or Menlo Park , California . You are in for a wonderful journey into seeing ourselves as we truly are . As Fr . Ben said , our mission today is to share the Incarnation in our hurting world by helping others through seeing Christ in them . W
December 2016 • The New Wine Press • 7