The New Wine Press September 2018 | Page 15

along their journey , some by their own development and some by the evolvement of the Catholic Church . One of their largest concerns was how to keep their respective charisms in the wake of those trials and changes . Robert Schreiter , c . pp . s . discussed this in an article in the the Wine Cellar in 2012 . He noted that the Decree Perfectae Caritatis with the subtitle , “ On the Up-to-Date Renewal of Religious Life ,” was presented by the Second Vatican Council in 1965 .
This Decree directed religious institutes down a two-fold path : “ The Council was calling for religious institutes to return to the sources of their origins in the Gospel and the charism of their founders , and then strive to adapt those insights to the current conditions in which the institute was living .” He goes on to say that the “ the first ten years after the Council were a time of intense reflection and debate ” and the Missionaries of the Precious Blood were not exempt from this . They met in Rome and internationally in an attempt towards redefining the institute , and according to Schreiter ’ s article , “ a number of positive things emerged that reflected genuine renewal .” He concluded that the Council ’ s message “ has been a special gift , providing a renewed vision and a continuing effort to adapt to current needs for the sake of preaching and living the Gospel .”
The Missionaries of the Precious Blood had discerned , made their choice , and began the journey of renewal and adaptation and were active participants as they faced the challenges of the journey . Their faith and devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus would still be the basis and their support along the path .
accept it .” Our support will not self-destruct ; God ’ s love for us is everlasting . St . Gaspar had that faith when began his journey and was supported by that love . He wrote , “ Oh , if everyone would love God ! Be assured that our society is a spring in the midst of the evangelical field . Let us be active and let us set deep roots for this mystical plant so that it will spread for the greater glory of God .”
The doors have been opened . We have been invited . Will we choose to step into the “ New Creation ”? Will we choose to be an active participant ?
The Missionaries numbered 200 at the time of his death some 22 years later . Over time and as need or opportunity expressed or presented , the Missionaries found themselves in Europe , America , Canada , and South America and most recently Vietnam . �
Hartway , continued from page 11 human trafficking , and now this parish is established by the Archbishop of Denver as shrine for them to stop and pray should they find their way into these parts . Few of them will be the average Caucasian , but rather people of color and people of material poverty , most likely “ uncomfortable ” people . Yet here they will be welcomed among us , and I know that this hospitality is going to take a lot of work . �
Saint Josephine Bakhita
The formation of the “ New Creation ” has manifested the same processes St . Gaspar went through . There was a need or request for a different direction or different actions necessary to maintain the mission set before us by God through the Holy Spirit . We have discussed and discerned and set out the next step . We have opened the door . In a reflection that I wrote after our last Companion retreat I stated : “ Our journey as part of this ‘ New Creation ’ requires our participation , our engagement . It requires us to ‘ Clear the Mechanism ,’ engage the Spirit and become a participant .
At the risk of having one too many movie metaphors , this is “ our Mission , should we choose to
September 2018 • The New Wine Press • 13