The New Prep Times 1

By Preps, For Preps You Won't Believe What The Toilets Stink Of! (pg. 2) (pg. 4) Tips on How to Survive the Treacherous Dorms! (pg. 12) 5 Rules to a Better Year in RC (pg. 13) I s 8 0 m i n u tes too m u ch ? (pg. 8) LP- 9 I N TURMOI L AFTE R MS. SCHAE FE R' 7) DE PARTURE ! S (pg. PREP INTERNATIONAL'S EXCITING TRIP TO RUSSIA! RC NEEDS MORE ART! (pg. 19) (pg. 3) (pg. 22) (pg. 6) LEARN ABOUT RECYCLING AT RC! (pg. 24) (pg. 10) (pg. 16) 1