The New Life 1 | Page 14

I always say the past is the past and forget the past and move forward. But there are something’s you shouldn’t forget, like your high school education. Sitting here writing this piece thinking that I shouldn’t forget about the past I realized, I am not going to stay in the past either. I am looking forward for the future and all the obstacles I am going to have. I am ready to become a senior and graduate and spread my wings.

The next three weeks are going to be a taste of what senior year will be like. For us juniors, we will be at the top of the pole and looking down at all of those under classmates. We are now the leaders of the path. We have to make that path for the freshman, sophomores, and juniors. We have all that pressure on our shoulders to finish our education.

But at the end of all that I cant wait to feel how that feels to have all that pressure lifted off our shoulders and but all that pressure on the next seniors coming in. Then we could explain to them if its easy or hard and if its fun or not. Honestly, I am going to miss school when I graduate next year. The way I was raised I just want to leave and spread my wrings and start my life. I will always have all my memories of high school in my mind, in pictures, in stories, and yes of course on Facebook that will never be deleted.

I am hoping senior year goes by fast but I am hoping I have the best time of my life. We only live once you know. Next year is the year we need to show off that we could be a great class and on of the best. There are so many options for opportunities for us and we need to stop taking them for granted. The teachers are here to help us finish and we need to help us to by getting all of our homework in. I am going to make a goal for next year that I am going to study and get better grades then this year.

There are only 2 down falls of next year and they are that I am not going to be able to go to prom because my boyfriend will be 21 this summer. So by the time prom will come he will be 21. He is not able to go to prom but he will be able to go to grand march. But that is why we would make our own prom at home with my family.

The other thing is that I am going to miss my friends. I don’t do anything with them outside of school now and I am afraid that after graduation I will never see them again. That is another goal I am going to try to do is do things with them this summer and during next year because I don’t now what I would do with out them.

When I graduated though it will be then best time id my life because I will be able to move and spread my wings and go to college. Get a job and as a welder. I will be able to live with my boyfriend though all of this and he is the only one that has been there for me through all of my high school career and pushing me to study harder.

He will be there through my college career and pushing then to. He is the only one I can rally look up to. He has patients and if I don’t get something he will explain if i need something. I can call him at anytime of night if I have question on my homework. I just can not wait until I start a new chapter in my life. My old chapter will be in my head and Facebook so I will never forget about it my past. ☺

Short Story