The Never Ending War 1 | Page 15

Help the Congo, or Not?

are blankets, military supplies, and medicine to properly heal the wounds the soldiers get. Even just sending money could help support the peacekeeping force, instead of having the soldiers rely on the civilians. If everyone helps out even just enough so the military is stronger than the rebels, there could be an end to the Congo war in the near future. No one should give up on a country in their time of need. When the going gets tough it should only draw more help and attention to the situation.

The United Nations and neighboring countries have the power to help the Congo if they want. It’s their decision if they want to help out, or try to ignore the situation. Everyone has their own say. To think that could make or break a country seems like things are desperate and the Congo will take any help they can get. If they do receive help again and it doesn’t last long, then people should only try harder, until the problem is truly resolved. Even if each country contributed enough food to feed a group of soldiers that would strengthen not only the soldiers but the civilians who are forced to share their food. As well as sending medicine to cure injured or sick soldiers, the military wouldn't lose the injured soldiers. Doing bit by bit can help strengthen the number of military soldiers and eventually outnumber the rebels, forcing them to put an end to the war. If the situation is ignored it can only get worse, instead of at least trying to solve it and hoping for the better. The Congo could redeem itself, but it could never happen without the help from others.

Q&A: DR Congo conflict - BBC (20 November, 2013) Retrieved from:

Gettleman, J. (2012, December 15). The World’s Worst War. Retrieved from


LARSON, S. M. (2013, November 05). M23 fighters in eastern Congo say ending rebellion. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from

Katombe, K. (2013, November 05). Defeated M23 ends revolt in Congo, raising peace hopes. Retrieved from