The Never Ending War 1 | Page 14

The right thing to say would be never give up, but what happens if something doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to get better. Specifically speaking, the Congo war. This war has been going on since 1994, and in 2008 it killed 45,000 people each month. There needs to be an end to this war. A little over a year ago the Congolese Army defeated the rebel group M23, with the help of the United Nations. Many thought this was a promising sign, that the violence would end. However it seems that has not been the case. Over 2.75 million people have left their homes in the Congo, searching for a safer place to live. To completely solve the problem the United Nations and other African countries may need to get involved by supplying the Congo with resources they are lacking. The United Nations has already helped the Congo before by supplying forces and helping maintain government issues, it didn’t last as long as some had hoped. It may not seem worth it to keep trying, but it also wouldn’t be right to give up.

Giving up would be the easy choice. Besides the Democratic Republic of Congo isn’t everyone's country, why should we help them. Everyone is not responsible for the Congo, therefore they are not anyone elses problem, but their own. United Nations gave the Congo a chance to help them end the war. United Nations created a peacekeeping force of over 20,000 soldiers, as well as restoring and maintaining the political side of the war. The UN has done this numerous times throughout the war. It did not work the first time, or any other time, why should the United Nations keep trying if it doesn’t seem like it will do any good. If the United Nations put time, money, and effort into stopping the war again it would help, but how long would it last? Eventually violence would come back into the Congo, just like it did before. History repeats itself, so why should the United Nations devote their time to a cause that can’t be saved.

On the other hand the right thing to do would to keep trying. If someone quit the first time they failed, they would never know if they could have succeeded. The Congo could succeed if they had help from neighboring countries. The world is divided into many different parts, but in the end everyone is human. People should help others, as well as letting others helping them. If there’s something that can be done to help prevent any violence it should be done. Neighboring countries could contribute to the peacekeeping force by sending food to the soldiers to keep them healthy. Also needed

Help the Congo or Not?

Allie Ross