THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 86

The Mistery of Belicena Villca despite the fact that , since the 18th century , it has been known in The West quite accurately the history of the religions of Asia , still today there are those who stubbornly maintain that hoax , among them , the official dogma of the Catholic Church : but , to check the deception , you just have to take a plane , travel to Tibet , and observe the Buddhist monasteries of the 3rd and 2nd centuries B . C ., that is , eight hundred years prior to Saint Benedict , whose internal rules and constructions are analogous to those of the Benedictines . Prayer and work were the Rule there , just as in the formula ora et lavora of Saint Benedict ; but , most importantly , most revealing of the comparison , will undoubtedly be discovering that the Tibetan monks engaged in the trade of copyists , that is , of reproducing and perpetuating ancient documents and books , and to preserve and develop the art of construction of Temples , just like the Benedictines . And there is no need to insist , because it is sufficiently known , that those monasteries were centers of religious diffusion by the action of missionary monks and mendicants that were prepared there and sent throughout Asia .
In light of current knowledge , however , anyone with good faith must admit that the institution of eastern monasticism dates from the tenth century before Jesus , that is , at least 1,400 years prior to the appearance of western monasticism . To refresh your memory in this regard , remember the following data : first , that the oldest hymns of the Rig Veda and the Upanishads mention the munis and vrâtyas Brahmanic communities ; secondly , that in the time of Buddha , a historical figure of the 7th century B . C ., there were already âshrams from hundreds of years before ; and finally , that if the Buddhist religious reform spreads rapidly in India , China , Tibet , Japan , etc ., it is because they already existed groups that were going to transform into Sanghas .
But it is not that the Benedictines were Buddhists or had anything to do with Buddhism , but that both Buddhist Priests and Benedictine priests , secretly obeyed the White Fraternity , true Hidden Source of the " Eastern " and " Western " Monasticism . The White Fraternity , in fact , was the author of a work entitled " Rule of the Masters of Wisdom ”, of universal diffusion and that in the West was known , from the second century , as " Regula Magistri Sapientiae " by numerous Christian sects and also by the Jewish Gnostics . So there would be nothing original in western monasticism , which would respond , on the contrary , to the most orthodox provisions that the White Fraternity dictates on the matter .
In the first centuries of the Christian Era , when the Roman Empire admitted " paganism " and maintained contact with the peoples of Asia , it was perfectly known the existence of eastern monastic life ; even famous men like Apollonius of Tyana , a contemporary of Jesus , had traveled to Tibet and received instruction in their monasteries . Some Gnostic sects , who came to understand and oppose the plans of the White Fraternity , have left testimony that it was known in the main cities of the Middle East : Alexandria , Jerusalem , Antioch , Caesarea , Ephesus , etc . But the institution of monasteries is not established overnight : you need to follow a strict training process , a method that has been known since the time of Atlantis , and that the Priests of the Cultural Pact have used universally ; By this method the Brahmin Priests imposed Hinduism and Buddhist priests , previous deformation of the doctrine of the Kshatriya Sidhartha , created Tibetan , Chinese , Indian and Japanese Buddhist monasticism . That method determines that a start should be with a stage of social anarcomisticism , characterized by the proliferation of enlightened , hermits , and Saints : this phase has the objective of fostering the belief that the future monastic institution is a spontaneous product of the people , born and nourished by the people . In this way , the peoples will naturally accept the existence and work of the monasteries , and more importantly , it will also be accepted by the Kings and rulers . And that infallible method is applicable in any people and with the contest of any religion .
In the framework of Judeo-Christianity , as early as the first century the method starts being applied , and thus a multitude of ascetics and Saints arise