The Mistery of Belicena Villca Gentile Humanity or Goim . The White Fraternity had commissioned the Golen , instead , the performance of a higher function , an occupation that would favor the unification of humanity as never before . That ' s why they didn ' t come back this time as pagan priests but as " Christians "; and not just like " Christians " but as " Roman Catholics "; and not only as Catholics but as " missionary monks " of the Catholic Church ; and then they would be considered " wise builders " of the Church , an absurd title whose mention would get wry laughs from the Men of Stone .
This is a long story that I can only summarize here , and that has its beginning in the plans of the White Fraternity . The Traitor Gods , to fulfill their pacts with the Creator God and the Powers of Matter , had to favor the Control of the World by the Chosen People . For this it would be necessary to definitively consolidate the materialistic way of life founded on the Cultural Pact , that is to say , it would be necessary to strengthen the Cult in the Romano-Germanic societies recently formed in Europe . And the best way of consolidating the Cult , as is clear from what I exposed on the Third Day , is to formalize it and to shape that form into the masses ; center society around the form of the Cult . Where does the form of a Cult begin , what is the most visible end for the masses ? Obviously , the Cult begins with the Temple , what first appears to the believer . In truth , the most important thing about the Cult is Ritual ; but every place where the Ritual is practiced is a Temple because the Temple is the Sacred Space where the Ritual can be performed : the apparent priority of the Temple arises from the fact that , indeed , there can be a Temple , that is , a Sacred Space or Center of Metaphysical Manifestation , without Ritual , but it is inconceivable that a Ritual can be performed outside of a Sacred Space or Temple . The White Fraternity ' s plan to strengthen the Cult began , then , with the massive implantation of Temples and the evolution of the form of the Temples in accordance with the objectives of the Ritual .
But those plans aimed at a much more complex end goal : the establishment of a World Government in the hands of the Chosen People . The White Fraternity would create the appropriate cultural conditions for a future society to accept such a form of government : in that endeavour they would occupy the effort of the entire priestly caste of the West , being in first term the mission entrusted to the Golen . When society was ready for the World Government it would then be realized , by way of a Messiah , the reunification of Christianity with the House of Israel , and the Chosen People would rise to the Throne of the World . Such were the plans of the White Fraternity and the Priests of the Cultural Pact . The transformation of society , which these plans required , would be achieved mainly by religious unification and the fixing function of the Cult which every Temple exercises over the masses . But there would be more : it was also required the formation of a financial and military power to provide support , in its occasion , to the constitution of the World Government .
The official Cult of European societies was Christian , so the Temples were to respond to the Rites of the Church . Clearly , it is noted that the plan of the Traitor Gods requires the implementation of two conditions : the first is that the masses become aware of the need of the Temple for the efficacy of the Ritual ; and the second is to have the availability , at the time this need reaches its maximum expression , of men capable of satisfying it by building Temples in large numbers and volumes . The first condition would be met by the constant and permanent missionary preaching ; the second , with the foundation in the West , of a Secret College of Temple Builders : This College , Dr . Siegnagel , was entrusted to the Golen . But this did not happen from the start , since the plan of the White Fraternity had to be carried out starting with the first condition : when in the Church there was a place prepared for the Golen to occupy in order to develop their College of Builders , in the sixth century , only then they were convened in Ireland to make their amazing continental comeback .
The opportunity that the Golen seize to return to Europe is product of the birth , in the sixth century , of " western monasticism ", traditionally attributed to Saint Benedict of Nursia . Really , only the ignorance of the Europeans could sustain such an attribution for a thousand and two hundred years ; However ,