THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 539

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– I will speak to you as a Nationalist Comrade , Commissioner Maidana --I clarified-- . We have coincided , with my friend , that you can indeed facilitate the kind of help we need . Logically , to reach an agreement , I ' ll have to put some cards on the table , so I ' ll start with the murder of Belicena Villca . First of all , I will point out the motive for the crime : her son Noyo Villca . The assassins tried to establish the whereabouts of Noyo Villca , why ? Because the young man was an intelligence agent infiltrated in the subversive organizations .
– I knew there was something concrete in all this ! --exclaimed triumphantly Maidana –. After so much madness , and profusion of false leads , there had to be a specific mobile intended to be hidden .
– Indeed --I confirmed-- . And do you know who Noyo Villca worked for ? Well , for none other than the Argentine Army . More so : he was an officer of the Army , a G2 captain .
--Mother of God ! – he invoked – And why were these data not included in the Belicena Villca police file ?
– Because a powerful synarchic organization , which works in all Army levels , took care to hide the information . Don ' t forget it was the Army who locked her in the asylum . To this organization , integrated not only by Jews , belong the murderers of Belicena Villca and my family . What you should know , since it will allow you to discover the link between both crimes , is that Noyo Villca is a fugitive because the Sinarchy tries to suppress him to prevent him from putting his ultraconfidential knowledge into practice . And that , his mother before dying provided me with the keys to find him .
--Everything clears up now ! --Maidana believed-- . I congratulate you Dr . Siegnagel ! You ' re quite a man : you alone put all at stake for the national cause and the international murderers made you pay dearly ! You have done well to trust me . From this moment we can work together against that organization and also help Noyo Villca .
– Don ' t get ahead , Maidana , that is not how I see things --I stopped him-- . The favor that we are going to ask you does not consist of the support of you and your group but something else . In that sense , and for the moment , you will be left out of our action : that will be the basis of the deal ; no discussion : take it or leave it . The proposal is as follows : Noyo Villca belonged to a top secret nationalist group of the Army : I know his contact and I am willing to reveal it to you , whereupon your group and his can arrange to work together . In that way you will not be left out of the case : but , for the moment , I repeat , you must let us operate against the murderers .
– What do you mean by " for the moment "? – Maidana , who was not to be taken for a fool , wanted to know .
– I mean that the restriction I impose is temporary , motivated by the presumption that we will have a better chance of success if we operate alone . But , that we trust you , is proven by the contact that I am going to give you . And I will also give you my word of honor that if our action fails , and there is another opportunity , we will turn to you without hesitation . – In principle I accept --Maidana agreed-- . Who is the contact ? – Before you must assure me that you will comply with the favor that we will request you – I prevented myself . – Well , tell me once and for all what it is all about ! --he demanded irritated . – Weapons , Commissioner Maidana . We need at least two weapons as soon as posible . – What kind of weapons ? --he asked hesitatingly ; and added-- I don ' t know why not leave this in the hands of professionals , Dr . You ' re acting out of your specialty ; it is as if I now dedicate myself to performing psychiatric cures . – I already told you , Maidana , what the terms of the deal were : you take it or you leave it . – I have no choice , Siegnagel ! Of course I can lend you weapons . We have all kinds of weapons ! Just tell me what the damn kind of weapons you want . – We need a type of weapon that is very effective point-blank , that destroys the body . Two repeating shotguns would be ideal --I suggested . – I can give you two Itakas this afternoon . What else ? – Well ... ammunition for the shotguns and ... is it possible to also get fist weapons ? --I realized that I lacked military training as to request things clearly . Uncle Kurt , who was a specialist on the subject , remained silent so as not to draw attention to his knowledge .
– Fist weapons ? There are hundreds of fist weapons at your disposal ; but , if you allow me to intervene with my experience in this matter , it seems to me that you better explain to me what you plan to do and let me take care of the equipment . I could not , of course , explain the plan to him . But I could show him some general details . – It is a commando operation against the murderers . – What kind of operation ? – An ambush – I defined .