The Mistery of Belicena Villca " name " of the black car a priori of the final order . And the final order will be a precise mathematical construction that implants the idea , or coded name , of the black car in the context of the Farm . We must think about solving the problem Uncle Kurt ! But I ' m sure there won ' t be insurmountable difficulties because the Yantra is extremely versatile to build all types of orders , even the most complex ones .
Chapter IX
Uncle Kurt demanded to be alone in my room . He would consult Captain Kiev immediately with his Scrotra Krâm on whether or not to perform my demential plan . I was convinced that if my theory was correct my Plan would be approved by the Gods , whether Uncle Kurt liked it or not . On the other hand , Uncle Kurt himself seemed to have somewhat deposed his negative attitude : when I finished the speech , he just smiled , for the first time in two days , and said :
– I was wrong , neffe . You not only look like me , as I estimated in Santa María . You also resemble Konrad Tarstein . And you have reminded me now , providing me , as you have , one of his demential missions . At the time , listening to him , like you today , I was assailed by the conviction that I had fallen into the hands of a madman . But then everything went according to plans and I had to surrender to whom had " better strategic vision than me ". Really , because you deserve it , I wish the same thing would happen today and that you are right . As for me , I will always perceive that those plans lack something , that they are incomplete , that they cannot give good results . And if they come to a successful conclusion , I will always be struck by the impression that success did not depend on the plan , on its greater or lesser perfection , as much as on the Divine intervention , on the miracle that will save us at the last moment .
Anyway , that was my Uncle Kurt , and no one could change him anymore . I retired to the room next door , that of the late Katalina , while he communicated with the Gods Loyal to the Spirit of Man .
No more than seven or eight minutes had passed but I was fast asleep when Uncle Kurt came in . Maybe because I accumulated a lot of fatigue , perhaps not to think of Katalina , who hours before had occupied that room with her children until she felt her blood turn into fire , the truth was that as soon as I rested my head on the pillow I began to dream . It was a strange , symbolic dream , but very suggestive : I was without knowing how , in a building with many floors , linked to each other by countless stairs ; I was looking for something and going up and down the stairs without finding its whereabouts ; suddenly , when ascending some steps of green stone , I accessed a square platform with no exit ; I was going to undertake the return when I noticed a subtle movement in one of the walls that surrounded the platform ; I turned around , and looking closely , I realized that the wall was really a mirror ; at first the mirror reflected me , my exterior appearance , and so what happened next caught me completely offguard : paralyzed with terror I discovered that a huge and frightening black spider was watching me with equal care ; I immediately guessed that that spider was I myself , or something of Myself that was reflected outside ; beating the apprehension , I timidly stretched a hand toward the mirror , time the spider advanced its left foreleg in that direction ; on the specular surface , we touched ; then the spider bristled , like determined to sting , and in the midst of my horror , leaped forward , stepped out of the mirror , and fell on me , inside of me , sinking into the Bottom of Myself ; the terrible experience forced me to close my eyes , but then I opened them again , still paralyzed , and I saw the mirror again : but it no longer reflected the spider but a wonderful and beautiful Sword ; I recognized it instantly , it was the Wise Sword of the House of Tharsis , unmistakable with its two sparrow hawks in the quillon , its Stone of Venus , its spiral ivory hilt of the horn of the Unicorn Barbel and the legend " Honor et Mortis "; it was as animated , as provided with a life that peeked furtively behind the symbolic form ; one more time I took my hand to the mirror , noticing in amazement that I could now pierce the surface ; so I reached the Sword with the intention of taking it , but when I touched it , it suddenly transformed and also jumped towards me , it entered me , and moved to the depths of Myself ; but this time it was not a spider but a Lady , the most beautiful I had ever conceived , only comparable with the Uncreated Beauty of the Virgin of Agartha , who re-entered into Myself , and whom I only saw furtively , as She allowed Her Eternal Life to be perceived under the Symbolic clothing , Vrunic , of the Wise Sword ; in that nuptial moment , seeing her for the first and last time in my life , I screamed without knowing why : “ I have found you again !”; and She kissed me when passing , losing herself in the Infinite Blackness of Myself , and leaving me in an indescribable ecstasy , colder than ever , harder than ever , more complete than ever : Ice Stone , Man of Stone , Kâlibur Woman , Wise Sword , Kâli ; OH Kâli ! " Oh , Kâli !", I murmured , when Uncle Kurt came in and transported me to the bitter reality of Cerrillos ' funeral . It was difficult for me to regain lucidity ,