THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 517

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I removed the layer of dust that covered the plate with my hand and read : “ Buchhandlung
Hyperbórea ” 68 . I felt footsteps approaching ; maybe the snipers who had shot at me minutes before . There was nothing left to do there , so I ran in the opposite direction . I repeat to You that time is running out , neffe , so I ' ll leave for another opportunity the story of the adventures lived until reaching Italy . I will only mention that in June 1945 I met Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil at the Franciscan Monastery of Southern Italy and that I remained there until February 1947 . On that date our contact with The Spider introduced us to an officer of the Argentine Army named Zapalla , who provided us with passports and tickets , and , of course , new identities : I came to be called Cerino Sanguedolce , as you already know ; Oskar became Domingo Pietratesta ; and Karl von Grossen , Carlo de Grandi . The three of us would pretend to be Italian immigrants , hence the linguistic affiliation of the names .
Already in this country , everything happened as Tarstein had foreseen : they gave us the money in Buenos Aires , and each one went to live in a different province . Von Grossen stayed in Buenos Aires and , as Tarstein said , would soon become involved in organizing a Secret Service in the company of another former Comrade of his from the Gestapo , the SS Standartenführer Justinian von Grosmann . Oskar Feil chose Córdoba , and it seems that the Gods guided him for years later he found there the Tyrodal Knights Order , which oriented his last days ; and I , knowing that the Siegnagel resided in Salta , decided that “ Santa María de la Candelaria ” was a good title for the Virgin of Agartha , and acquired this property where I live since then .
Shields of Argentinian Provinces .
Having left the World War behind , and having to stick to " my orders ”, I resumed the traditional family profession of making sweets and I remained hidden until now , meditating all these years on what had happened in the first half of my life . My only amusements were the sporadic visits of your parents , or Oskar , to the neutral sites agreed in advance to hold short , very short meetings . And the only permanent companions that I have had , faithful beyond measure , have been the Daivas dogs : Ying and Yang are the third Argentinian generation , great-grandsons of Yun and Yab .
And never , never since I settled in Argentina , except for the failed attempt to contact Nimrod de Rosario in Córdoba acceding to Oskar ' s request , no one summoned me to comply with the final
68 Hyperborean Library .