THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 516

The Mistery of Belicena Villca understanding the Führer ' s Strategy , and therefore do not understand the actions of those who act motivated by strategic goals . Less will they understand you , if they find out what You are , dear Lupus .
You must be prudent and tolerant with those Comrades who have chosen the reality of the dead Führer . Once they have located You , You will disconnect from them and never resume contact . It will be an elementary way of preventing unnecessary risks because , for enemies , you already have enough and terrible , with the White Fraternity , the Immortals Bera and Birsha , and the Druids and Jews who will seek to eliminate You . As I told you , You will wait in Italy until they give You the Argentine passports and the tickets . The Spider will deposit in Banks of Buenos Aires a sum of money that will allow each of you to install without problems ; you should immediately withdraw those funds to avoid possible tracing and investigations . Concerning You , the Siddhas say that You should look for a locality consecrated to the Virgin of Agartha , not far from your family . You will be able to meet with your sister , but using all the forms of coverup of the Secret Service Manual : it ' s for the good of both ; consider that if the Enemy discovers your sister , it may try to elicit your whereabouts by violent means and even pressure on you , and that if you are well covered , but if You tell on your sister , they can take revenge on her for the impossibility of capturing You .
The same precautions will be taken to meet with Oskar Feil , who must live in a place far from your abode . You are prohibited from establishing any type of commercial company , not even through third parties , and intervene in common activities that can relate you fortuitously . You will only meet as Comrades , to share your spiritual ideals . Regarding Von Grossen , you will have to say goodbye to him forever in Argentina . Oskar Feil may maintain the contact but it is convenient that he also withdraws , since theold fox will not sit still and try to wage his private war against the Synarchy . He will possibly become an adviser on Intelligence and Counterintelligence , and puts himself at the service of pseudo-fascist regimes , which are abundant in South America . Nothing that suits you .
Finally : keep the Daivas dogs but do not use them except in cases of extreme need . The same applies for your initiatory faculties : stay alert , well trained , but do not act except in extreme cases . These are , in short , your orders : to wait . Survive , protect yourself and wait ! – In all the Gods ' names ! --I screamed out of me . Wait for what ? – I can ' t give you any more information --Tarstein replied impassively-- . Follow your orders and you will know ! He shook my hands and , as if such a greeting wasn ' t enough , he hugged me .
– Goodbye forever , Kurt von Sübermann . Go quietly , for your contribution has been invaluable to the cause of the SS Black Order . The Third Reich has decorated You with the Iron Cross , but the Order will one day grant You an even more valuable distinction , which You have deservedly earned . I repeat : soon we ' ll see each other again , during the Final Battle , even if we don ' t meet anymore in this life .
We were at the door . I had come out and was holding the useless motorcycle , while listening to Konrad Tarstein say almost the same words of the Gurkha Bangi . I would have wanted to cry of impotence in the face of that absurdity : they all died or were leaving . Only I , mute witness of a terrible and secret reality , should stay in Hell . And without knowing why .
– Heil Hitler ! --I shouted for all greeting , while the door of the Gregorstrasse 239 closed behind me forever .
I started the motorcycle and , dodging the debris , turned around the block . Before completing the third block someone shot me from a terrace . The bullet sliced through the fork cleanly and the front wheel was crossed suddenly ; I hit the brakes and flew several meters ahead . Without ceasing to roll I hid behind the incinerated chassis of a car , pursued by a rain of bullets . “ I had forgotten I was wearing a Russian uniform and was strolling through a lonely street in Berlin without any protection ”. I swore several times and ran to the corner , sticking to the walls . I was back in the Gregorstrasse . I would already be far from there if I had not proposed myself to take a last look at Tarstein ' s house . I advanced the meters that separated me from it looking to both corners , alternately . It was a close night but not silent ; that April 30 would dawn accompanied by the most fierce fighting and the noise of the bullets , howitzers and bombs was deafening .
I was soon devastated confirming that Tarstein ' s warning was not in vain . In fact , the 239 did not exist now on Gregorstrasse . But the place where I came out from did exist ; evidenced by recent motorcycle tire tracks on the sidewalk and on the street . But the door 239 , in front of those footprints , was no longer found . In its place was the closed door of a business in pretty good condition .