THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 461

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Faced with that tangible reality , of finding ourselves in front of the Altyn Tagh mountains , in the West of the Kuen Lun mountain range , the meaning of the key name Altwestenoperation , which we understood as Operation Old West , was unexpectedly clarified : ingeniously , they had cut the Chinese word Altyn to form the German voice Alt , old . But then , near the end of the adventure , the true meaning was understood : the terrible mission was really called " Operation Altyn Tagh ". I thought foolishly about this , while Von Grossen insisted on raising the need to review the Strategy of Operation Key First : he , who a week ago forced me to use the Scrotra Krâm faculty and launch the Daivas dogs in the footsteps of Schaeffer , was now asserting the need to review his own Strategy : Wahnsinn !
We started talking away from the rest of the caravan , but the three SS officers approached silently and now we were surrounded by them . Von Grossen sighed and put a fatherly hand on my shoulder .
– Look at the Tibetans --he indicated-- . Their expression doesn ' t seem unusual to you ? --Indeed , here Von Grossen was not exaggerating : the attitude of the Kaulika monks was undoubtedly out of the ordinary . The natural and imperturbable tranquility had disappeared and they looked nervous and alarmed . Those warriors , who did not hesitate in the face of an enemy a hundred times superior , they tirelessly turned to watch all directions , as if expecting Satan himself to break in behind him ! I did not notice it before because the dogs attracted my full attention , as Von Grossen reproached me . I cursed inside and only muttered : – It ' s curious … – Curious ? It ' s incredible . You ' ve just noticed it , but it ' s been a day since they have been like this . I tried to find out what was wrong with them , but they have responded with evasive answers , but to you , whom they respect , they will not refuse to respond .
– I want to know what ' s going on , Von Sübermann ! --he continued-- . Prior to continuing this crazy journey I want to know what happens : if we are lost , or in another World , or what ' s happening to the Tibetans , I want to know everything . I will not object to resume the march guided by the dogs , but I believe it necessary that you reflect and be aware of what is going on around you .
Obviously , my abstraction of the last few days had affected him . But Von Grossen was wrong . If I wanted to find Ernst Schaeffer , if I intended that the Daivas dogs obeyed the correct command , the worst mistake I could make , would be " being aware of what was happening around me " and " reflecting ". Precisely , the secret to controlling the dogs was the ability to be situated far away from everything " around ", outside of Space and Time , beyond Kula and Akula ; and above all , it was required not to think , not to perceive , not to " reflect ."
Without realizing it , the Standartenführer wanted to force me to fall into Mâyâ , the Illusion of the material forms that filled our " surroundings ", that made up the context of the Great Deception . But he was a very cultured man , who spoke with ease of the Vril and demonstrated understanding the terms of the Spirit : the Eternity , the Infinite , the Absolute Liberty . How , then , to explain to him what he already knew ? I chose to be silent . I did not want to hurt him , as I could only attribute his forgetfulness of the basic principles of the Hyperborean Wisdom to an intense feeling of terror .
– I will interrogate the Gurkha --I proposed-- . It seems to me that he is who has the most affinity with us .
Von Grossen agreed and we called him right away . As he supposed , Bangi didn ' t refuse to answer me .
– We are – he said – in the “ Valley of the Immortal Demons ”. Very close to here is to be found the Gate of Chang Shambhala . You have not developed psychic vision and that is why you do not see the Sanctuary of the Queen Mother of the West . But since a day ago we ´ ve approached it and we , Kâulikas , perceive it at every instant with greater clarity .
The Gurkha was pointing towards the Kuen Lun mountains . He at times spoke in Bodskad , and at times in English and German , which showed his anguish .
– Yes : there is the Sanctuary of Hsi Wang Mu , the Enemy of Kula ! --he claimed with a shudder-- . She is who others call Dolma , Tara , Kuan Yin , and also Binah , the Mother of the mortal men of mud . It is tradition that this Valley of the Immortals is only entered by those that She loves and wishes to preserve for the worship of Brahma , The Creator , and serve the King of the World , that is , they only enter those who hate Kula , those who reject the Eternal Wedding with the Absolute Shakti , the nonmen , the non-viriles . Never has a Kâulika set foot in this path contrary to Tao , the Path and the End at the Beginning ; never a husband of Kula has walked such a miserable path , opposite to the Vrune itself !
You and the Daivas dogs have led us to Hell , to star in physical body the greatest challenge of this life . She will try to convert us in animals , but we will fight here if necessary ; for Shiva ; and for you , Son of Shiva ; and for your Führer , the Lord of the Absolute Will . But , above all , we will fight because we know that you , who have guided us to the War against the Asuras , will