THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 460

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the order " follow Ernst Schaeffer " in the language of the Yantra svadi and entered the Universe of the Created Forms , passed through the âkâsha tattva and implanted in the soulish bodies of the Daivas dogs . And the incredible animals , as if they were actually sniffing out a physical trace , they stiffened and stretched their heads upward , and then shot out like arrows heading North .
We traveled for several days in that manner , always escorting the Daivas dogs and these following the invisible tracks of the German expedition . At the beginning Von Grossen made no objection but then he began to unsettle , to distrust , and openly insinuate the possibility that the dogs had gone astray . In all honesty , I must say that he lacked no reasons to doubt , because the erratic march of the mastiffs , which now went North , now to the East , now they returned to the South , now they turned to the West , had him completely disoriented .
His compass and maps were totally useless , he told me dramatically one day . – We are lost in the heart of Tibet , in an absolutely unknown place to civilization ! Maybe in a place that is not of this World ! -- . It ' s not that the rational Von Grossen had suddenly turned into a superstitious : it so happened that the Daivas dogs actually led us through a route that seemed out of this world . At that time we were in a huge valley , adorned with regular vegetation and endowed with a spring climate ; everything was peaceful and perfect there : only that place could not exist where it was . I watched a little bird perch on a tree , I saw a flowering yellow bush , I took a blank look at a speedy hare , and realized that the circumstance had no explanation . Only then did I got worried and agreed to Von Grossen ' s claims .
" Where the Hell are we ?" I thought , while stopping with a mental order the mastiffs . Von Grossen was staring at me in annoyance .
– At last you have understood the problem ! I ' ve been warning you for a long time that something is not going well but you don ' t listen to me . You don ' t listen to anyone . You only pay attention to your damn dogs . I do not deny that in all this there are supernatural facts , facts that perhaps I cannot or should not understand : I accept it and I do not even intend to change things . I know the dogs will guide us down strange , illogical paths , to reach those who also walk a magical path . I know and I don ' t seek to understand how they do it . That ' s what you are for . But listen to me well , Von Sübermann , can ' t it be that , in this or another World , the dogs get disoriented , get lost , lose track of Schaeffer or follow a false trail ? can ' t there be other Magicians , our enemies , who interfere with their course ? – Absolutely not ! --I told him , but now he was the one who wasn ' t listening . – We have been marching for a week , supposedly towards Lake Koko Nor , that is to say , towards the N . E . Do you know which region we should be in ? – Yes --I reluctantly agreed-- . In Tsinghai . This valley ... – No , Von Sübermann : you know perfectly well that a valley like this does not exist in Tsinghai ! You are an Ostenführer , if I recall correctly ; I read it in your file . That is to say that you know a lot about the geography of Asia . We should be in Tsinghai , and sometimes it seemed like we were there , but definitely this is not Tsinghai ! We don ' t even know if it ' s Tibet ! Karl von Grossen laughed hysterically and continued . I decided to wait for him to calm down . – Look at the compass . That way is the East , where we come from . Do you remember the great lake we saw yesterday with the binoculars , and that we agreed that it could be no other than the Koko Nor ? Well , the Eastern shore of that lake leads to the valley of Tsinghai , between the Nan Chan Mountains to the North and the Kuen Lun Mountain Range to the South . Do you know the distance between the lake and the Kuen Lun Mountains ? If you want you can consult the map .
– Considering that the Kuen Lun mountain range runs parallel from East to West , I think there are about 30 km . between the lake and its eastern end , the Amne Ma-Chin range ; --I said by heart-- and between the Eastern shore and the western end of the Kuen Lun , the Altyn Tagh range for example , instead there are about 1,000 km .
– That ' s it ! --he confirmed triumphantly-- . Now look to the South with the binoculars . Do you recognize those mountains , no more than 15 km away ? – It ' s the Altyn Tagh ! --I exclaimed , stupefied-- The West end of the Kuen Lun mountain range ! – And do you think , Von Sübermann , that since yesterday till today we were able to travel 1,000 km ? – Nein ! – Now you are being reasonable --he approved-- . I ' ll tell you how much have we walked , for I ' ve made a precise calculation : only twenty-five km . Do you understand ? We have united in just 25 km . two places that are normally separated by 1,000 km . What happened to the normal distance ? It shortened ? Be aware , Von Sübermann : on the planet where we were born and studied , Lake Koko Nor is not 25 but 1,000 km . from the Altyn Tagh Mountains . This place is Tibet and China at the same time !