The Mistery of Belicena Villca Order : he was the Lord of the Absolute Orientation and those were the Wise Builders of his Order . His search was pointing , and Uncle Kurt couldn ' t tell yet because he hadn ' t read the letter , to find a Noyo or a Vraya , Initiates capable of crossing the Stones of a Valley of Two Rivers and reaching the Wise Sword , next to Noyo de Tharsis , the son of Belicena Villca . And it was clear to me that by taking the letter of Belicena Villca to him , Nimrod would not hesitate to set me on my way to Noyo Villca , to whom I would transmit the posthumous message of his mother . Still smiling at the joy that his revelations gave me , my mind worked at great speed , while Uncle Kurt ' s face reflected surprise at such an incoherent attitude . But it is that I thought , I thought incessantly , in the way to obtain the address of Oskar Feil , or Domingo Pietratesta , aware that my uncle would never give it to me voluntarily . At last I found the key , simple , since it was all the time in front of my eyes : the newspapers ! That was it : I would look in Córdoba for the newspapers of December 1979 and would review the obituary notices . And there I would discover the address of his family !
I finally adopted a more serious attitude and replied to Uncle Kurt :
– Certainly the last part of your revelation is not entirely fortunate --I said regretfully-- . I sincerely regret the death of your Comrade ; and I ' m still more sorry , you ' ll know how to understand it , that his death has disconnected you from the Tyrodal Order . Nevertheless , it is so extraordinary what you have told me of this Order , that I could repeat your words from this afternoon : “ I think you have brought me something I waited a long time for ”. You said it referring to the letter , which you haven ' t read yet , but I also believe that the information about the Order , and perhaps this book that I haven ' t read yet , constitute a concrete answer to the real reason for my visit . Because , although I consciously came to inquire about the relationship between the SS and the Druids , it is clear that such an inquiry is embedded in the greater question of the search for Belicena Villca ' s son , the real reason , unconscious but effective , of all my movements . And that search inevitably passes through the Order of Wise Builders of Córdoba , of which you have referred me : do you understand why deep down I ' m happy ? Because the discovery of that Order represents the most necessary for me , the most important , much more than getting news about the Druids .
Yes , Uncle Kurt , – I stated emphatically – it is imperative that you read as soon as possible that letter . I won ' t bother you until you ' re done . But you have done very well in anticipating me that you had knowledge of the Tyrodal Order : this has taken away a weight off my shoulders and now I can wait more calmly for what you have to tell me later .
Chapter V
So I agreed to give Uncle Kurt enough time to read the letter , without imagining what would come from such concession . First of all , be it because he made his reading conscientiously , be it because , most likely , the Castilian language prevented him from grasping more quickly Belicena Villca ' s obscure concepts , for whatever the reason , the truth is that he just finished at ten days . But , secondly , the most irritating thing about this is that during that time he locked himself in his room , refusing to leave it even for a minute . He delegated all the tasks of the Farm to his foreman José Tolaba and ordered that the food was served in his room by old Juana . And it was in vain that I tried to break that determination : my notes were unanswered , and I was unable to penetrate the laconic loyalty of the old woman with my questions . In short : I had to arm myself with patience and accept the strange behavior of my uncle ! And to top off my frustration , without being able to advance much in the reading of the book Foundations of the Hyperborean Wisdom due to the complexity of the issues it dealt with : it was required , at least , a Philosophical Dictionary to understand with depth most of the concepts , which were employed with much precision , and I did not know if uncle had any kind of copy , although it would be of no use if it was written in German . Naturally , I could not solve the problem until Uncle Kurt reappeared , and by then the Dictionary wouldn ' t be necessary because I would never finish reading Nimrod ' s book : Uncle Kurt ' s relation , and the events that followed , inevitably prevented me from doing so .
It must have been very intense the psychological effect that the letter had on Uncle Kurt because , as an effect of the reading , he was then demonstrating a very remarkable physical change , undoubtedly a psychosomatic product of the impression received . In a few words , by the aspect my uncle presented , he seemed to have regressed several years in those ten days , he was much younger , showing a positive and communicative character that I did not know before . I suspect , and I don ' t believe to be too mistaken , that the thirty-three years spent in Santa María had soured his normally jovial temper and caused that unsociable and pessimistic personality that I noticed when I arrived at the Farm . The personality of that who no longer trusts too much that the designs of the Gods will be fulfilled and waits resignedly for the resolution of Death . Thirty-three , that ' s a lot of years to wait in Catamarca , I comprehended better than anyone , and it seemed logical that they had