The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The Goddess Belisana was represented , in the primitive Cult , by the Flame of a Perennial Lamp of the brown Atlanteans . The Perennial Lamps , the Priests had yielded to seal the blood alliances between members of the people of the Cultural Pact and the Blood Pact , and as the safer magical means to enforce the Cult over the Wisdom . Thus , among my Iberian people , a Wise Warrior married an Iberian princess , that was also a Priestess of the Cult of the Goddess Belisana , and she received from her , as a dowry , that lamp whose Flame never went out . Absurdly my family then possessed the Wise Sword , with the Stone of Venus of the white Atlanteans , and the Perennial Lamp , with the Flame of the brown Atlanteans . But the Wise Sword would not play its role yet : it was only jealously preserved , for family tradition , since the ability to see the Sign of the Origin on the Stone of Venus had been lost . Instead , all attention was given to the Perennial Lamp , the Cult of the Sacred Flame . Thus , there were descendants who managed to perfect the Divine Flame , bringing it closer and closer to the igneous archetype of the Goddess . And there were also descendants who managed to isolate and apprehend the essence of the igneous , incorporating the Archetype of Fire in the family blood . When this happened , some ancestors , wisely , left the Cult of the Flame and retired to a Manor in the South of Spain . They left the Perennial Lamp to the remaining relatives , who were unable to miss the Cult , and kept the Wise Sword , which for those meant nothing . Of course , those who were left in the custody of the Perennial Lamp continued to be Kings or Priests because the people were completely devoted to the Cult of the Goddess Belisana : those who retired , my direct ancestors , had to relinquish all their rights to the royal succession . Nevertheless , they held some power as Lords of the House of Tharsis , close to Huelva , in Andalusia .
It was then that they adopted the Barbel Unicorn as a symbol of the House of Tharsis . At first they represented that mythical fish on their shields or in primitive coats of arms , but in the Middle Ages , as will be seen , it was incorporated heraldically to the family ' s coat of arms . The barbel knight , barbus eques , is the most common in the rivers of Spain , especially in the Odiel that circulated at a few meters from Tharsis ; the fish receives such a name due to four barbels that it has in the lower jaw , which is very prominent . However , the barbel referred to by the Lords of Tharsis was a fish with a frontal horn and five barbels . The myth that justified the symbol affirmed that the barbel , moving through the river Odiel , was similar to the Soul passing through the transcendent Time of Life : a representation of the animal man . But the descendants of the white Atlanteans were not like the animal man because they possessed an Uncreated Spirit chained in the created Soul : then the barbel did not represent them specifically . Hence the addition of the spiral horn , which corresponded to the instrument used by the Traitor Gods to chain the Uncreated Spirit , that is , to the Kâlachakra Key ; naturally , the Uncreated Spirit was unrepresentable , and that ' s why they hinted at it , leaving unfinished , in the representations of the barbel unicorn , the tip of the horn : beyond the horn , to an infinite distance , was the Uncreated Spirit , absurdly related with Created Matter . And the barbel ' s beard , of course , signified the inheritance of Navutan , the number of Venus .
Naturally , the Lords of Tharsis continued to practice the Cult of Belisana because , until Lito de Tharsis , there was none who understood the family mission and , furthermore , because it was established and sanctioned by the laws of my people . But the secret goal of the family mission inexorably drove its participants to spiritually recreate the Igneous Archetype , and that marked them with an unmistakable sign : they acquired the fame of being a family of mystics and adventurers , if not dangerous madmen . And some truth was there in such fables because that Fire in the blood , at first uncontrolled , caused the most intense extremes of violence and passion : there were those who experienced in their lives the most terrible hatred and the most sublime love that is humanly conceivable ; and all that experience was condensed and synthesized in the Tree of Blood and genetically transmitted to the heirs of the Lineage . Over time , extreme trends went away separating and periodically arising Lords who were pure Love or pure Courage , that is to say , great " Mystics "