The Mistery of Belicena Villca Heroes , when in the days of the white Atlanteans the entire Race was a community of Heroes .
The triumph of the Cult caused Wisdom to be forgotten . The Spirit went numbing in the Pure Blood and only those Wise Warriors who still retained a remnant of lucidity , hit upon the desperate resource of capturing the " Family mission ". In the case of our Lineage , Dr . Siegnagel , the madness of gathering in one hand the Worship and Wisdom led my ancestors to a demented proposal : they established the perfection of the Cult as a pattern . That is to say that the thing to be perfected would not be a mere quality for us , such as colour or sound , but the Cult itself imposed by the Priests , the Worship of a Deity revealed by the dark Atlanteans . And I mean precisely Belisana , the Goddess of Fire . But , every Cult is the description of an Archetype : the family mission thus required the insane goal of perfecting the Cult until adjusting it to its Archetype , the one who was so soon a Goddess , that is , a Face of the Creator God ; and , as a culmination , it was ordered to re-create that Archetype in the Spirit , that Goddess , and understand it with the Uncreated Symbol of the Origin : this was like pretending that the Spirit of a descendant member of the family lineage would one day encompass the Creator God , and the entire Universe , to understand it later with the Symbol of the Origin ! In other words , it was like demanding , in the end , the Highest Wisdom , the fulfillment of the mandate of the white Atlanteans : understand the serpent , with the Symbol of the Origin !
I couldn ' t assure you if this mind-blowing proposition was the product of the madness of my ancestors or obeyed a higher inspiration , a request that the Liberator Gods made to the Lineage : perhaps They knew from the beginning the principle that one of ours would come to fulfill the family mission and would awaken , as a Wise Warrior , at the very moment when the Final Battle took place on Earth . Because , if we rule out an act of madness from the Wise Warriors , and we accept that they acted with full awareness of what they were supposed to achieve , the extreme difficulty of such a mission is not explained unless its fulfillment contributed to the Essential War Strategy and they had trust in the help and the invisible guidance of the Liberator Gods . Maybe , then , the Liberator Gods wanted to count during the Final Battle with Initiates capable of meeting them face to Face , and would have decided to endow certain lineages , like mine , with the appropriate instrument for this , that is , understanding the Archetype of the Gods . This need is understood by means of an ancient idea that the white Atlanteans transmitted to the Wise Warriors of my people : according to that revelation , the Liberator Gods were Uncreated Spirits that freely existed outside of all material determination ; but the Spirits chained in Matter , in the animal man , had lost the Origin and , with it , the ability to perceive the Uncreated : they could only relate to what was created , to archetypal forms ; that is why the Liberator Gods used to employ " as clothing " some Archetypes of Gods to manifest themselves to men : naturally , such manifestations would only take place in front of Hyperborean Initiates , because only Initiates would be able to transcend " the clothes ", the forms of the created Archetypes , and resist " face to face " the Terrible Presences of the Liberator Gods . Being thus , perhaps They would have wanted an Initiate of my Lineage to arrive one day , presumably during the Final Battle , to contact the Hyperborean Goddess that usually manifests itself through Belisana , which the white Atlanteans called Frya and the Ancient Hyperboreans Lillith .
Whatever the case , by madness or Divine inspiration , the truth is that the pattern of that mission determined that our family devote itself with ardor to the perfection of the Cult of the Goddess Belisana . Surely such a special dedication to the practice of a Cult has been redeeming because , for many generations , ours was believed to be a lineage of Priests : indeed , the first descendants in the family mission would not differ much from the most fanatical Fire-worshiping Priests . However , over the course of generations , members emerged who penetrated more and more into the essence of the igneous .