THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 343

The Mistery of Belicena Villca compromise by condemning them outright . I think that they disappeared with the conversion of the Celts to Christianity --I concluded innocently .
The Professor smiled mockingly :
– Sit down , Siegnagel , we ' re going to talk --he got up and , after locking the office , he delved for a few minutes in the large private library . He chose books here and there , huffing with satisfaction when he found one that had resisted more than 30 seconds . At last , taking a hanging folder from a file , he settled into his armchair .
– See Dr . – the Professor began with a serious tone – I ' ll be frank to you : if it was someone else who brought me that drawing , without a doubt I would have kicked him out . But knowing you , a serious person , I will trust you with my thought , because something tells me that behind this naive drawing there is something else .
I smiled at the Professor ' s accurate intuition .
– To begin , let ' s remember that the best etymology seems to be Druvid , word that breaks down into Dru = " thing in itself " or " such thing " and vid = " to know ", what would come to make " know things themselves ". The Druid would then be " the one who knows things deeply ”; but an older meaning calls them " The one who knows the truth ”. You should not be surprised , Arturo , to know little about them , for despite the fact that Druidism was an institution among the ancient Celts and many classical writers mentioned them , their origin and doctrine remain in the darkest mystery . Some of these writers that come to mind , they are , for your example , Julius Caesar , Posidonius , Cicero , Diodorus Siculus , Strabo , Pliny , Tacitus , Lucian , Suetonius , Diogenes Laercio , Origen , etc .
Neither sheds too much light on them and that in my opinion for three reasons : 1st . because their teaching was oral , 2nd . because their teaching was initiatory , 3rd ., and main , because those most interested in hiding everything concerning the " Druid ", were the Druids themselves .
With respect to your appreciation that they constituted a kind of “ Priestly Caste ”, I will tell you that they pretended to be neither one nor the other . They did not form a caste but an Order ; and they would not be " Priests " since they did not officiate publicly the rituals of a Cult , as it would be appropriate to deserve that qualifying . However , the fact that they did not officiate a Worship in public does not mean that they did not possess it and practiced it secretly , in the thicket of the forests , near the millenary megalithic constructions that They adapted to this end . Yes , Dr . Siegnagel . You are correct on this point : the Druids were Priests ; and of the worst species ever recorded in the History of Humanity .
You also believe that they were " Wise and would have no insignificant morals ”. Well , about their " Wisdom " there is little doubt since they held all aspects of Celtic lore . Instead opinions are divided , when referring to the morale of the Druid , a pedophile General like Julius Caesar ( 100-44 B . C .) found them nice and even sent Druid Vivitian to Rome as Ambassador . But on the moral side , the future consul left much to be desired ; on the other hand , Strabo ( 60 B . C .), famous Greek geographer , contemporary of the previous one , mentions acts of tremendous cruelty “ that oppose our customs ” and relates how the Druids made omens " reading " the deep pains of a victim stabbed in the back . They were also fond of human sacrifices , which they consumed introducing the victims into a huge wicker mask that then they set fire .
The Druids “ considered it a duty to cover their altars with the blood of their prisoners and consult the Deities in the human entrails " wrote Tacitus .
The Professor continued for a long time , reading me quotes from various Greeks and Latin authors , some exalting this or that virtue , others flatly condemning druidic evil . It did not escape me that those who " condemned " the Druids were also pagan , so their aberrations must have been great , capable of impressing men familiar with all the barbarities of their respective Epochs . The linguistic explanation that he had sought from the Professor ' s erudition was already satisfied . However , that man insisted in instructing me about the Druids , revealing how much he knew about them , and I couldn ' t be so impolite as to refuse to listen to him . Although his talk would repeat themes already amply exposed in Belicena Villca ' s letter . After all , checking that others knew part of those truths , could only give me security ; and reassure myself about the mental health of the deceased Initiate .
– As I already told you – the Professor continued – there are no documents from Celt sources that can be consulted , except for the sagas compiled by D ' Arbois de Juvainville in the nineteenth century , very rich in traditional elements of the Celts of " Iwerzon " or Ireland . In them we verify the great power of the Druids by favoring the successive Celtic invasions ( Fir Bolg or Celts of Belgium ; Fir Donan and Fir Galois , or Gauls , Scots and Welsh ) to Ireland , inhabited until then by the Fomore , giant beings and the Tuatha de Danan , Divine Hyperboreans . On more than one occasion the Celts defeated the Fomore Giants who they exterminated and also end up expelling the Tuatha de Danan despite their magical powers . The thing is that the Druids dominated the forces of nature , as if they had the help of Satan himself . They produced rains , thunderstorms , and fogs ; they made the seas