The Mistery of Belicena Villca I have tried to telepathically direct myself towards Chang Shambhala , towards the members of the Order of Melchizedek , and I have challenged the Immortal Demons . I have challenged them in the name of the House of Tharsis , which is the greatest offense to their infernal pride , and now I wait , not without fear , the response of Bera and Birsha . I already feel them , Dr . Arturo Siegnagel , advancing through the Worlds of illusion , approaching blind with hatred towards my humble cell , overcoming Space and Time , dislocating the Reality , Pachachutquiy , Pachachutquiy .
Sixty-Fourth Day
This will be my last day alive , Dr . Siegnagel , I ' m sure of it . In few hours I will give this letter to the Nurse that I have bribed , to be delivered to you after my death . I only have time to request the last favor that I had mentioned to you on the First Day and offer you some recommendations .
First of all , I want to ask you , Dr ., to try to locate my son Noyo . I know that , after what you have read in this letter about the Hyperborean Wisdom , the techniques of the strategic opposition of the Lithic Wisdom , and the character of the mission undertaken by Noyo , it will seem almost impossible to fulfill this order . But it is that I do not demand that you go directly after his footsteps , which would be insane , but I beg you , to try to find the Order of Wise Builders of the Lord of the Absolute Orientation : They will put you in the precise direction . They will also concede you the Hyperborean Initiation , awaken you , and include you in the Final Battle Strategy . And , I discount it , they will be very grateful to you for letting them know this letter . If I am not mistaken with You , if your Blood is Pure and you sense the Nostalgia for the Origin , I know that you will not hesitate to fulfill my last wish .
Second , if you ever meet my son , I want you to tell him the last part of this story , letting him know that I have died sure of the triumph of the Cause of the Spirit , that I have clearly seen the End of History and the imminence of the Final Battle . Don ' t think I require this out of sentimentality , out of a foolish interest in reassuring my son : I have tried to free you by all the means at my disposal and , if you respond and wake up , you will still get to see the Guardian Noyo of the Wise Sword . So as a special favor , in memory of Belicena Villca , who revealed you the Path , you will give him my message . I know perfectly well the behavior that the mother of a Wise Warrior must sustain . A Hyperborean mother , is always Daughter of the Great Mother Ama and she cannot , thus , be a slave of Matter , of Mother Earth , of the Shakti , of Binah , that is , she cannot succumb to the maternal instinct , blind and irresponsible . Oh Pure Mother Ama , Virgin of Agartha , I have heard your Voice !:
" My children , the Men of Stone , are Wise Warriors , and nothing should appease their Fury . Destroyed will be the Unworthy of the Spirit . The Coward , the Traitor , and cursed the Matrix that Forged them . My Stone Seed lights the Cold Fire in the Heart . Full of Anger , loaded with Courage , march to the Final Battle the Warriors of the L-ove . And the Mother of the Spirit , and the mothers of pain ,