The Mistery of Belicena Villca During that time , the vigilance of the Hebrew indians was constant over Lake Titicaca , as numerous local legends spoke of the caverns and tunnels that the white Atlanteans built thousands of years ago : they suspected that some Atumurunas might have been hiding there . However , the Vrunes of Navutan constituted an insurmountable obstacle , even for the powers of the Demons Berhaj and Birchaj , beings devoid of Uncreated Spirit ; and almost no one who was not a Hyperborean Initiate would ever see the Atumurunas again . In truth , the survivors were very few , although accompanied by a greater number of members of the mestizo race to which the Amautas of the Black Bonnet belonged : that Race had been formed by the mixture of the Viking blood and the indians who lived in Tiwanaku to the arrival of King Kollman . However , despite the aforementioned miscegenation , the Vikings always tried to conserve the Pure Blood and imposed a law for which only those who descended from the lineage of Skiold were Nobles . Thus , the membership of the Nobility required marriage between members of the Conquering race : the mestizos , although they were relatives of the Vikings , were excluded from the Nobility but not from the right to participate in the Mystery of the Pure Blood . That is to say , the mestizos could access the Hyperborean Initiation , a faculty that ended up dividing them into Initiates , that is , Amautas of the Black Bonnet , and Quillarunas , ergo , Lunar Men or People of the Moon .
The Pucará de Sayagmarca , located on the edge of a hill , at an altitude of 3,600 meters , in near Machu Picchu , Peru
The Puca Pucará , located in a small valley in the vicinity from Cusco , Peru