THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 292

The Mistery of Belicena Villca " Quiblon ", who would be difficult to stop . Thus , the Domini Canis kept alert , but were completely unaware that the Power of Quiblon would manifest in the end , after the symbolic fall of Granada . And in consequence they did not suspect that Columbus , an insignificant and hallucinated man , could be Quiblon , the Major Representative of the Powers of Matter . Any way , Friar Hernando de Talavera , the Domini Canis that the Kings named to study the Columbus exploration proposal , gave an adverse verdict and sought to discredit the visionary envoy of the Golen .
However , the Court was infected by Knights Templar or Golen , who supported Columbus for years : Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza ; the Senior Accountant of the Kingdom , Don Alonso de Quintillana ; the dominican preceptor of Prince Don Juan , Friar Diego de Daza ; the King ' s Waiter , Don Juan Cabrero ; Commander Don Gutiérrez de Cardenas ; Franciscan astronomer Friar Antonio de Marchena ; etc . And , the most effective help : that of Luis Santángel , the Scribe of Ration of the Aragonese Crown , kind of secretary to the King of Aragón ; who was a powerful banker and belonged to a Hebrew family recently converted to Christianity . This sinister character , in combination with a group of Jewish bankers from Genoa , would be the financier of the expedition of Columbus , in 1492 : he would then offer a loan of one million maravedis at such low interest , 1.5 %, that it would practically decide the Queen to authorize the Quiblon trip .
In 1491 the Kings are in front of Granada , in a very big bivouac that will result in the settlement of Santa Fe . Columbus arrives there , anxious for contemplating the taking of Granada and undertaking his mission . However it will be again Friar Hernando de Talavera , who is preparing to occupy the position of Archbishop , who frustrates his plans and prevents him from meeting with his Majesties . But the fall of the city is very near and Quiblon senses the manifestation of YHVH . So he goes directly to the Convent of La Rábida , in Rus Baal , a place consecrated to the Great Mother Binah : he hopes that the Love of the Goddess , the Virgin of the Miracles , will help him in the face of the imminent events of destiny . And in La Rábida the Golen staff is waiting for him to develop the Ritual of the Sefer Iche , the Ceremony that allows the Intelligence of Binah to deposit in the heart of the Initiate the Mud Seed of the archetypal man : only this time the Love of Binah will facilitate the expression of the Child Metatron , a Reflex Aspect of Keter , the Crown of The One .
The ultimate boss of the Golen is Friar Juan Pérez , superior of the Convent of Nuestra Señora de La Rábida and Supreme Priest of the Order of Melchizedek . They will support him in the Ritual , the laity , and the Knights Templar , Pedro Velazco and García Fernández , as well as the Franciscan Antonio de Marchena . On January 2 , 1492 Boabdil surrenders Granada to Don Fernando and Doña Isabel ; hereafter Archbishop Domini Canis Hernando de Talavera orders the heretics , Arabs and Jews , to convert to Christianity : otherwise they must leave Spain ; fifteen days later , in La Rábida , the prophecy of Bera and Birsha is fulfilled .
Quiblon , wearing the Franciscan habit , stands in front of the magnificent sculpture of the Miraculous Lady : this work is generally attributed to the Apostle Saint Lucas but in truth , as it turned out on the Thirtieth Day , it was carved by a Templar monk of the XIII century . The Golen have just performed the Ritual and the Great Sacrificer has received the Shekhinah . Quiblon then feels like possessed by the Universal Soul of YHVH and falls to his knees before the image of the Mother of God , whom he sees as if she were alive and whose Love without limits consumes his heart . A prodigy is produced and the Pomegranate of Her Stick begins to bleed ; but Quiblon does not notice it : he hears instead the Great Mother Binah speak to him in the purest Hebrew language :
– Holy Quiblon , Great Sacrificer , Son of the Elder of the Elders His creative Word is your sacred Voice ! The Seminal Logos of the Father