THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 291

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the White Atlanteans reached thousands of years ago marching Eastwards and that on medieval maps was listed as " Country of Catigara ", the Kingdom of the Great Khan or the Prester John ; that " Land of Catigara " would now be attacked inversely from the West , and its entrance sealed with the Cabalistic use of the Sefirot . After the Quiblon mission , Catigara would disappear forever from Western Culture . Or what is the same , K ' Taagar would disappear : the House of Tharsis had , then , the days numbered to perceive the Lithic Sign in the Stone of Venus and leave for the Abode of the Liberator Gods .
About the Gates of K ' Taagar , located in the Extreme West , I will tell you that there were four “ open ” in the Quiblon Epoch : three in America and one in the Antarctica . Of the three Americans , Quiblon only managed to close the Center Gate , the most direct and the one taken by the White Atlanteans , which was located in the Bermuda Triangle . The one in the North was later sought unsuccessfully by members of the Chosen People , but could never be found , as the Redskins , the custodial Race , were in charge of hiding it and protected it very well . The same happened with the Southern Gate , guarded by the Inga Atumurunas , who employed Lithic Wisdom in order to prevent the Golen from finding it . And the Antarctic , ignored for centuries by the Enemy , would only be used in the 20th century by the Black Order SS to drive the Führer to the Abode of the Loyal Gods of the Spirit of man .
The Duke of Medinacelli , Don Luis de la Cerda , was , in addition to a direct descendant of King Alfonso X , the Wise , a faithful Initiate of the White Fraternity . Quiblon stayed in his Castle in 1484 , when he definitely left Portugal to settle in Spain and carry out the most important mission of his life : receiving the Word of Metatron , the Shekhinah , and performing the Water Holocaust , Mem ; and , with that Power , sacrifice to YHVH the Three pagan Empires existing beyond the Dark Sea . In those days , the Golen were heavily infiltrated in the Order of Saint Francis , which in Huelva occupied the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Cinta , in Palos the Convent of Nuestra Señora de La Rábida , in Moguer the Monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Granada , etc . From those churches they secretly encouraged the operation of a Templar Masonic lodge to which they adhered many laymen of the Andalusian nobility , including the Duke of Medinacelli : the Initiates of the lodge held the title of " Knight Templar " and repeated the ancient Rites of adoration to Baphomet of the Order extinguished in 1307 . This lodge is the one that grants Quiblon the last initiation and prepares him esoterically to receive the Shekhinah . He remains dedicated to that task in the Medinacelli Castle until 1486 , the date on which the Duke himself announced to the Catholic Monarchs the presence of the man who will discover for Spain the vast and rich countries of the West .
The sovereigns are dedicated to completing the Reconquest and this will cause , inevitably , sooner or later that Granada falls into Christian hands : that would be the signal expected by Quiblon . Then he will receive the Word of Metatron and his Power will be incomparable . Until then he will show himself as a humble explorer , only eager to serve the Kingdom ; after the fall of Granada , as Bera and Birsha prophesied , his voice will be the Voice of YHVH and his ambitions will go hand in hand with his Power ; and no one , not even the Kings , will be able to resist the requests of whom is going to travel to the Gates of the Earthly Paradise . But it is necessary to make known in advance the plans of Quiblon , familiarize the Kings and the Court with the future Admiral of the Ocean Sea . And that is why already in 1486 the Golen arrange the first interview of Quiblon with Don Fernando and Doña Isabel , who were in Córdoba at the time .
Obviously , the Domini Canis were also members of the Court and were willing to stop any Jew or convert who tried to come up with a plan resulting in " the Glory and Victory of the Chosen People ", or in " the Triple Holocaust of some peoples unknown to Jehovah Satan ”. Captain Kiev , The Lord of Venus had revealed 180 years before that that would be announced by a Hebrew