THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 23

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But where were the white Atlanteans heading to ? To the city of K ' Taagar or Agartha , a site that , according to the revelations made to my people , was the refuge of some of the Liberator Gods , those who still remained in the Land awaiting the arrival of the last combatants . That unknown city had been built on Earth millions of years ago , in the days when the Liberator Gods came from Venus and settled on a continent which They named " Hyperborea " in memory of the Homeland of the Spirit . In truth , Liberator Gods claimed to come from " Hyperborea ", an Uncreated World , that is , not created by the Creator God , existing " beyond the Origin ": the Origin they called Thule and , according to Them , Hyperborea meant " Homeland of the Spirit ". Thus , there was an original Hyperborea and a terrestrial Hyperborea ; and an isotropic center Thule , seat of the Gral , which reflected the Origin and was as unlocatable . All the spiritual Wisdom of Atlantis was an inheritance of Hyperborea and that is why the white Atlanteans called themselves " Hyperborean Initiates ”. The mythical city of Catigara or Katigara , which appears in all maps prior to the discovery of America located " near China " is no other than K ' Taagar , the abode of the Liberator Gods , that only allows Hyperborean Initiates or Wise Warriors to enter , that is , the Initiated in the Mystery of the Pure Blood .
Finally , the Atlanteans departed the Iberian Peninsula . How did they assure that the " missions " imposed on the native peoples would be fulfilled in their absence ? By holding a pact with those members of the people who were to represent the Power of the Gods , a pact that if not fulfilled risked something more than the death of life : the collaborators of the dark Atlanteans put at stake the immortality of the Soul , while the followers of the white Atlanteans responded with the eternity of the Spirit . But both missions , as I said , were essentially different , and the agreements in which they were founded , naturally , were also : that of the white Atlanteans was a Blood Pact , while that of the brown Atlanteans consisted of a Cultural Pact .
Obviously , Dr . Siegnagel , this letter will be lengthy and I will have to write it in several days . Tomorrow I will continue at the suspended point of the story , and I will make a brief parenthesis to examine the two Covenants : it is necessary , since from there will emerge the keys that will allow you to interpret my own story .
Second Day
I ' ll start with the Blood Pact . It means that the white Atlanteans mixed their blood with the representatives of the native peoples , who were also of the white Race , generating the first dynasties of Warrior Kings of Divine Origin : they were , they would later affirm , because they descended from the white Atlanteans , who in turn claimed to be Sons of the Gods . But the Warrior Kings were to preserve that Divine heritage by relying on an Aristocracy of Blood and Spirit , protecting their racial purity : it is what they would faithfully do for millennia ... until the enemy Strategy operating through foreign Cultures managed to blind or drive them mad and led them to break the Blood Pact . And that lack of commitment to the Sons of the Gods was , as you will see immediately , Dr ., the cause of great evils .
Of course , the Blood Pact included more than just genetic inheritance . First there was the promise of Wisdom : the white Atlanteans had assured their descendants , and future representatives , that the loyalty to the mission would be rewarded by the Liberator Gods with the Highest Wisdom , that which allowed the Spirit to return to the Origin , beyond the stars . That is to say , that the Warrior Kings , and the members of the Blood Aristocracy , would also become Wise Warriors , Men of Stone , like the white Atlanteans , just by fulfilling the mission and respecting the Blood Pact ; on the contrary , the forgetfulness of the mission or the betrayal of the Blood Pact would bring serious consequences : it was not about a " punishment of the Gods " or anything similar , but of losing Eternity , that is , an irreversible spiritual fall , even more terrible