THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 22

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
In short , according to the white Atlanteans , “ a phase of the Essential War had ended , the Gods retired to their abodes and the combatants were scattered ; but the Gods would return : there , the Atlantean presences proved it , building and preparing Earth for the Final Battle . In Atlantis , the dark Atlanteans were Priests who favored a cult to the Traitor Gods to the Spirit of man ; the white Atlanteans , on the contrary , belonged to a caste of Warrior Builders , or Wise Warriors , who fought on the side of the Liberator Gods of the Spirit of man , together with the Noble and Warrior castes of the red and yellow men , who nurtured the ranks of ‘ direct combatants ’. That is why the brown Atlanteans tried to destroy their works : because they worshiped the Powers of Matter and obeyed the design with which the Traitor Gods chained the Spirit to the animal nature of man ”.
The white Atlanteans came from the Race that modern Anthropology denominates “ of Cro-Magnon ”. Some thirty thousand years earlier , the Liberator Gods , who at that time ruled Atlantis , had entrusted to this Race an opening mission , an assignment whose fulfillment would demonstrate their value and would open the doors of Wisdom : they should spread throughout the world and exterminate the animal man , the primitive hominid of the Earth that only possessed body and Soul , but lacked the eternal Spirit , that is , the Race that Anthropology has dubbed " Neanderthal ", now extinct . The Cro- Magnon men accomplished this task with such efficiency that they were rewarded by the Liberator Gods with permission to regroup and dwell in Atlantis . There they later acquired the Magisterium of the Stone and were known as Guardians of Lithic Wisdom and Men of Stone . Thus , when I say that " they belonged to a caste of Constructor Warriors ", it has to be understood " Builders in Stone "," Wise Warriors in the Lithic Wisdom ”. And this clarification is important because in their Science they only worked with stone , that is , both the tools and the materials of their Science , consisted of pure stone , with the explicit exclusion of metals .“ The metals , they would explain later to the Iberians , represented the Powers of Matter and should be carefully avoided or handled very cautiously ". By conveying the idea that the essence of metal was demonic , the white Atlanteans evidently sought to instill a taboo in the ally peoples ; taboo that , at least in the case of iron , was maintained for several thousands of years . Inversely , the brown Atlanteans , undoubtedly due to their particular relationship with the Powers of Matter , stimulated their addicted people to practicing metallurgy and goldsmithing , with no restrictions on any metal .
And this is the second principle to keep in mind , Dr . Arturo Siegnagel : the white Atlanteans entrusted the Iberians who had supported them in the megalithic constructions , a mission that can be summarized in the following way : protect the megalithic constructions and fight to the death against the allies of the brown Atlanteans . The latter , for their part , proposed to the Iberians who supported them a mission that could be formulated thus : “ destroy the megalithic constructions ; if this is not possible , modify the shapes of the stones to neutralize the functions of the ensembles ; if this is not possible , engrave the archetypal signs of matter on the stones corresponding to the function to be neutralized ; if this wasn ' t possible , at least distort the warlike meaning of the construction turning it into a funerary monument ; etc ."; and : “ combat to death the allies of the white Atlanteans ”.
As I said before , after imposing these " missions " the Atlanteans continued their slow advance eastward ; whites always followed at a safe distance by the brown ones . That ' s why it took thousands of years for the brunettes to reach Egypt , where they settled and promoted a civilization that lasted as many thousands of years and in which they again officiated as Priests of the Powers of Matter . The white Atlanteans , meanwhile , always continued eastward , crossing Europe and Asia by a wide strip which bounded in the North with the Arctic regions , and disappearing mysteriously at the end of pre-History : however , after their passage , warlike white peoples rose unceasingly , bringing the best of their warrior and spiritual traditions to the History of the West .